chapter twenty.

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20 - ZAYN
WARNING- This chapter contains sexual content

Scarlett and I ate her takeout and talked the rest of the night.

I feel like I'm on top of the world. The last few days have treated me like absolute shit, but sitting here with her has made everything feel calm again.

Having her hand in mine and seeing that beautiful fucking smile of hers is enough to cure even the worst pain.

I've never felt this way in my life, but all I know is asking Scarlett to be my girlfriend is the only decision that's felt right in the last year.

Scarlett yawns, putting our dishes gently in the sink. "Tired?" I ask.

She nods. "It's been a long day,"

She walks to the curtains and closes them, switching off the TV as well. It's nearly midnight by the time we make it into her bedroom.

"Are you sure you don't mind staying the night?" She asks... again. I can tell she's nervous about having me here.

I remember always having to reaffirm to my mother that everything was fine. That I wasn't mad at her and I enjoyed her company. She was constantly worried that Rocky and I hated her or didn't want to be around her.

I grab her face, cupping her cheeks. "Scarlett, I want to be here."

She smiles, but it's weak and doesn't meet her eyes. "Okay."

We head into her room, and I'm making sure she knows I've got absolutely no expectations. I know how guys are because I used to be that way. I don't want to rush anything with her.

"I'm gonna go shower. The remotes on the bed somewhere," she points, laughing. Her bed isn't made. Her covers and pillows are just one big mess. "Sorry, I didn't have time this morning."

"Don't apologize," I say, shaking my head.

Her cheeks flush, and she rushes into her en-suite bathroom, a robe in her hands.

Once I hear the shower start, I take the time to look around her bedroom. She doesn't have a lot of decorations; in fact, it's pretty bare.

Her walls are off-white. The only wall decor present is a large painting of black roses.

Most of her furniture is black, too, complimenting the painting. The only color I can find is from the pictures of her friends and family on the nightstand.

She's smiling, holding who I assume is her mother very tightly. They look very similar- their eyes crinkle the same. The other picture is of Jordyn, Riley, and her. They're on a beach, and Scarlett looks so damn beautiful it's hard to focus on anyone else.

Something about her room felt lonely like she didn't plan on staying long. I hope that wasn't the case.

I decided to stop snooping like a freak and sat in her desk chair, turning on the TV. Instead of flipping through the channels, I leave on old Friends reruns, laughing every once in a while.

By the time Scarlett finished her shower, I'd watched nearly two episodes. The girl liked long showers, apparently.

"Hi," she said sheepishly, her body wrapped in a pink satin robe. Her long brunette waves were now dark and wet, resting on her back.

"Hey. How was your shower?" I ask as she rummages through her drawers for some clothes.

"Good. Sorry I took so long," she just loves apologizing for random shit, doesn't she? We're gonna have to work on that.

"Stop apologizing, Scar," I stood up and cupped her cheeks, kissing her forehead softly. "Go change. You've got to be cold."

"You're the most confusing man I've ever met," she says softly. Her arms snake around my waist, and it makes my heart swell, seeing how comfortable we are around each other.

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