chapter nineteen.

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My first day of work starts today, and I don't think I've experienced a more stressful Monday morning in my life.

I've spoken to my new boss on the phone a couple of times since I was hired, and she seems nice enough, but I know how assistants can be treated.

As an assistant to a publisher at a very successful publishing house, I can't say I've ever felt more unprepared.

Luckily, Jordyn and I spent our Sunday running to every clothing store in a ten-mile radius, filling up my closet with appropriate office attire.

By the time I finish rummaging through my entire wardrobe, I'm clad in light brown linen dress pants and a white knit top. It's long sleeve and loose-fitting, allowing my black belt to cinch my waist as I tuck in my shirt.

I was told that our office tends to lean on the "comfortable but professional" side of fashion. Hopefully, this is what they had in mind.

It's been three days since Zayn took care of me, drunk and weeping. I haven't heard from him since. I texted him in the morning to thank him, but he never responded. I went to 25 Hours last night and waited for him, but he didn't show. I hope he's okay. I've avoided calling him because I don't want to seem like I'm obsessed with him.

You kind of are obsessed with him, Scarlett.

I roll my eyes at my own thoughts and grab my purse, along with my work materials, and head out the door.

Jordyn had to leave for Texas this morning to visit her family, so I'll have the apartment to myself for the next week. I never liked living alone. The silence always left me uneasy.

I rush to my car and plug in the directions for my new office building. It's right in the middle of Los Angeles, about twenty minutes away from my apartment. I spent the drive blasting every uplifting song I could think of and trying desperately not to think of the curly brunette that has yet to answer my calls.

The last thing I need is a damn boy distracting me on my first day at a new job.

Once I got to the tall silver building, I walked in, my white heels clicking against the tiled floors. Everything about this place screamed professionalism, and I felt so out of place.

I headed up to the fifth floor, where my boss was waiting for me.

"Scarlett! You're here. I'm so excited to get started," My boss, Natalie Rae, walks out of her office to greet me. She is beautiful, and her presence commands respect. She's dressed in a grey pantsuit with a black top underneath and matching heels. Her long blonde hair cascades down past her shoulders, and her tan skin compliments her bright blue eyes beautifully. She's intimidating but also extremely welcoming.

I'll be her assistant going forward, doing everything she asks of me and making sure it's perfect. I'll be doing that until I can become the next her. This is where I start, and I know I can do this.

"Natalie, hi!" I greet her. We shake hands, and she pulls me into her office, closing the door behind her.

"So, how are you feeling? Nervous, excited?" She sits down in front of her desk and rests her elbows on the desk, resting her head in her hand as she awaits my answer.

"A little bit of both, I think. I'm anxious to get started," I answered honestly. Natalie liked that answer because she dove right into telling me just about everything I needed to know, and then some.

She put me to work right away, giving me a pile of documents to proofread before their publications. I met mostly everyone that works in the same space as me. We've all got desks outside of the many office spaces. Offices are for publishers and other higher-up positions, whereas the desks on the floor are for assistants.

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