chapter sixteen.

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16 - ZAYN
Trigger Warning- mention of mental health and suicide.

Kissing Scarlett was like sending electric currents through my body. Kissing her left me feeling far too happy, and a strange wave of content washed over me.

She took my hand and pulled me inside as her anxious fingers found the keyhole. We pulled off our shoes, and Scarlett kindly poured us both some water.

In the middle of Scarlett asking me what we should do, I hear rustling, and a door slam before Jordyn appears. "Okay, tell me-" she pauses as her gaze finds mine. "Zayn! Hello again,"

Scarlett and Jordyn share a look. Clearly, Jordyn was under the impression that I wasn't here and they'd be able to have "girl talk," or whatever.

I chuckle softly. "Hi, Jordyn," 

"Your mom went to her hotel but asked if you wanted to get lunch with her tomorrow," Jordyn informs Scarlett, grabbing a snack from their pantry.

"Thanks," Scarlett says, pulling out her phone, presumably texting her mother.

"Riley and I are watching a movie if you'd like to join." She says, throwing popcorn into the microwave.

Scarlett and I look at one another, her eyes questioning me. "What are you guys watching?" I ask.

"Some Star Wars movie, I don't know." She shrugs.

Scarlett subtly shakes her head, and I bite my lip to hold a laugh, nodding in agreement. "I think we'll pass," Scarlett says kindly. Her voice is like velvet, soft and hypnotizing.

We make small talk while Jordyn waits for her popcorn. When Scarlett goes to change, Jordyn sits beside me. "So, do you like her?" She questions me, a dangerously serious look on her face.

I scrunch my brows. "Of course. How could I not?"

She rolls her eyes. "She needs someone that's not going to ditch her, okay? I'm only telling you this because she won't. If you're not serious about her, don't give her hope just to leave."

"I have no intention of leaving her any time soon," I say confidently. I almost feel offended. Why is everyone prepared for me to fuck this up somehow?

"Good. Then my work here is done," she smiles, seemingly satisfied. She hops off the bench, grabs her bowl of popcorn, and heads for her bedroom. "Oh, and this conversation didn't happen."

Jordyn disappeared into the hallway, a door slamming shortly after. I wait for a minute, sipping on my water. I have far too much time to think about Scarlett's lips on mine, and it's getting harder to ignore my growing bulge.

I fix myself in my pants when I hear Scarlett walking out. I turn to look at her. She's changed into an oversized t-shirt and some shorts, showing off her toned legs. Her brunette hair is now tied into a messy bun on the top of her head, random strands falling out and framing her face. She's gorgeous—everything about her.

I notice she's holding her leather journal, with our list inside, and she throws it on the counter in front of me.

"We should do number seven," she says softly.

I flip to the page with the list and glance at number seven. Finish a thousand-piece puzzle in one night.

Easy. "Let's do it," I say, getting up from my seat.

"I have a puzzle in the living room. I've been putting it off for weeks because there are so many pieces." She explains, guiding me to her living room. I recognize the couch I drunkenly crashed on.

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