chapter ten.

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10 - ZAYN

    It took everything in me not to pull Scarlett's naked body to mine and hold her in that water, kissing her under the moon.

    I didn't, but fuck did I want to.

    Now I'm standing outside my apartment, staring hopelessly at the door. I know Rocky is inside. I gave him a key last time he visited. I'm not ready to face reality. I liked being in my bubble with Scarlett. Our bubble.

    I reluctantly pull the door open to my apartment, Buck and Bear immediately barreling towards me. They jump on me and bark loudly, provoking a groan from Rocky.

    I see Rocky passed out on my couch, his limbs sprawled out all over the place. "Shut up," he mumbles.

    I stand in front of him, poking him with my foot. "Rock," I nudge him again. "Rock, I have a guest bed."

    I see his eyes open slightly, registering his surroundings. He sits up and rubs his eyes. "Huh?"

    "This is a two-bedroom apartment, Rocky." I laugh, leading him to my guest bedroom.

    Once we're in the room and I give him some blankets, he looks at me with a sad smile. "I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you."

    I frown. "It's okay. When's the hearing?"

    "Tomorrow at noon. Mrs. Adelaide said you could take the day off or come in for the afternoon if you're up for it." Rocky informs me, sitting on the bed and stretching his arms with a yawn.

    I sigh, sitting next to him. "Do we have to go?"

    He shakes his head. "No. But we can say something about why we don't want him out of prison. If we have compelling statements, his release can be denied."

    "I don't think I'm ready to see him, bro," I say honestly, staring blankly at the wall ahead of me. I'm not ready to face him again. Not after I was a witness that helped lock him up.

    "I can speak on your behalf," he assures, patting my back. "You don't have to see him if you don't want to."

    I stand up, running my hands through my hair. "And what if he gets released? You really don't think he'll come after me?"

    "We can get a restraining order if anything happens, which it won't because he's not getting released," Rocky says with conviction, but I can tell he doesn't truly believe it. How can he get out on "good behavior" after taking a life?

Thinking about this shit is making my head hurt.

    "Okay, I need some fucking sleep. Goodnight, man." I give him a side hug and head for the door.

    "Night. And Z?" I stop and face him. "Why are you all wet and barely clothed?"

    I laugh, looking down at my sandy body. I'm wearing my jacket over my shirtless chest and my work pants, my shoes off. My hair is definitely a mess, and I'm sure I look ridiculous. It's all worth it, though. I would relive this day a thousand times over if it meant splashing Scarlett in the ocean again.

    "No reason," I say before heading out the door, closing it behind me. That's not a conversation I feel like having tonight.

    I don't want to talk about Scarlett because our relationship, or whatever we have, feels sacred. It almost feels too good to be true, and I feel like talking about it makes it real and adds complications.

    I take a quick shower and think of Scarlett's perfect body the entire time. I tried not to stare at her out of respect, but fuck did I want to. Even now, I'm trying so damn hard not to imagine her in this shower with me.

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