chapter fourteen.

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14 - ZAYN

After screaming at the world with Scarlett, I felt a calm I've never felt in my life. Next to this beautiful woman, I feel light. I can't even describe it.

That's why I asked her a stupid question. One I probably shouldn't have asked, but I had to because I need to. Almost like I had an epiphany and realized that I want her in my life. More than just completing a bucket list.

"Go to dinner with me, Scarlett." I blurt, grabbing her hand so she can look at me. I love her eyes. They're a simple brown, nothing overly special, but so beautiful.

I watch those chocolate brown iris' widen and stare back into my green ones. The look of shock on her face is priceless. God, I hope she says yes.

"Um, what?"

"Dinner. Go with me to dinner," I repeat, squeezing her hand gently. I should've asked. I probably sound like a dick demanding her to come with me.

She pauses for a second, and then a bright smile graces her face. "Okay."

"Okay?" I question. I feel like I dreamt that.

She giggles. She fucking giggles making the most adorable sound, and nods. "Yes. Let's go to dinner."

I can't help the boyish smile that appears, and I pull her into a hug, spinning her like a fucking cliche. She squeals and laughs the whole time.

This hill must have some magical romantic energy or some shit because Rocky and I have had some amazing moments up here.

"Today is a great day," she says happily once I stop spinning her.

"And why's that?"

"Well, um, you and I got that job today," she looks down, almost as if she's too shy to brag about her accomplishments.

I pick up her chin gently. "You got the job?"

She nods, a small smile on her lips. And for that, I give her another spin. "Congratulations, beautiful."

She tucks her hair behind her ear and anxiously looks down again. I wish she'd stop doing that. "Thank you, Zayn."

The moonlight is practically fucking taunting me as it shines perfectly onto her glossed lips. I could pull her in and kiss her right here, right now, but something in me tells me not to, so I don't.

She sits down and lets her legs hang over the slope of the hill. "I don't want to leave," she whispers.

I sit next to her, our shoulders touching. "Me either,"

We've already been here for well over an hour, just relaxing and enjoying one another's company. We've talked about so much random shit and even played rock paper scissors. Rock paper fucking scissors. I'm nearly twenty-six years old, and this woman brings me back to being a lovestruck teenager.

"Do you think sometimes the world isn't as horrible as it appears?" She says quietly. So quietly that I almost didn't catch it.

I thought about my answer for a second. I have a feeling Scarlett has a lot more going on in her mind than she lets on. I've been around people with depression, my mom specifically, and they share many of the same habits. I don't want to assume anything, and I really fucking hope I'm wrong.

"I think it can be really good, but sometimes really awful, too," I answer honestly. I've experienced the awful, and I know she has too, but the good makes up for it when it comes. It always does.

"Sometimes, when it's good, I think about when it'll be bad again," she speaks low as if she's afraid that if she's too loud, someone else might hear. "Like I can't embrace the happiness because I know it won't last."

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