chapter fifteen.

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My mom took Jordyn, her family, and me out for drinks in the city after walking the stage. My father couldn't make it, which surprised no one. Apparently, his company had a crucial business trip that he couldn't miss.

I haven't seen him in a year, so what's the rush, really?

I wouldn't let my father ruin my good mood, though. I just graduated college, and I've already got a new job that will allow me to stay in my apartment with Jordyn. Not to mention my dinner with Zayn tonight.

I've got a lot of things to be happy about, so one hiccup isn't going to stop me from enjoying myself tonight.

"I'll be right back," I whisper to my mom, getting up and making a call to Zayn.

I head to the bathroom for some privacy and wait for him to pick up the phone. "Hello?" He answers, his voice low and raspy.

"I am officially a college graduate!" I say happily.

"Congratulations, Scarlett," Zayn responds, my name sounding like royalty coming from his lips.

"Thank you, Zayn," The anxious part of me would love for Zayn to cancel so the butterflies would leave my stomach, but the better part of me is ecstatic to see him. Are we still on for dinner tonight?"

"We are. Dress fancy. I'll pick you up at eight," he says confidently.

I'm far too excited and don't want him to pick up on it, so I respond with a quick "See you then!" and end the call.

"Hey, Jor," I greet as she enters right as I hang up.

"Hi," she says, facing the mirror with an exhausted sigh. "I'm so sick of my mother. Can we leave yet?"

I laugh. "Sure. We can leave whenever we want. What's going on?" I ask, rubbing her back to calm her.

"She just doesn't get me, and she's so rude to Riley." Oh. Jordyn's mom was never a fan of Riley, mainly because he's a frail white frat boy with tattoos covering ninety percent of his body and is high one hundred percent of the day. Not her ideal pick.

Riley is a little "rough around the edges," but he's an absolute sweetheart once you get to know him. He treats Jordyn like an absolute queen, and their relationship is refreshingly healthy.

"I'm sorry, Jor. Let's get out of here. I'll have my mom meet us at our place, and I'll take you and Riley home."

"Okay. Let's go." she nods and splashes some cool water on her face.

We head back into the hyper crowd of people, dancing and drinking in celebration. I'm pretty sure an entire sorority house came here with their families. I spot my mom nursing her fifth martini, sipping up the last of it.

"Ready to go?" I ask. She looks so tired these days like life is drained out of her. I never want to see that look in her.

She nods and chews on an ice cube. "Ready," she gets up and links her arm with mine. We walk, stumbling to the car, laughing as she gets into the passenger seat.

Luckily, I didn't have anything alcoholic, so I drove my mom's new car back to my apartment. My nerves are really starting to kick in about seeing Zayn tonight. It's been a few days, and we've spoken a lot on the phone, but those damn nerves always creep up every time we meet.

The moment I met him, I felt like I could tell him anything, and for some damn reason, I sometimes do. 

"So what's this date you've got tonight?" My mother asks, staring out the window.

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