chapter thirty-two.

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32 - ZAYN

Today is Scarlett's birthday, and she thinks I have no idea. Technically, I did have no idea until Jenny called me to make sure I knew. She knew her daughter wouldn't tell me herself, which she was right about.

It's been a week since I confessed my love for my beautiful girlfriend, and things have been going extremely well since then. Minus the fact that she didn't inform me about her damn birthday.

The police told me this morning that they have a lead on my father's whereabouts, but I'm choosing not to worry about anything Carlos Miller related. At least for the day. Today is my girl's day, and I'll be damned if she doesn't have a good birthday.

She's turning twenty-two, and I kissed her and sent her off to work acting completely clueless. Jordyn helped me plan a surprise party for her at my apartment tonight. It's nothing too big, just the people she's close to that love her very much.

Bonnie, Jordyn, Riley, Scarlett's mom, Rocky, and Talia will all attend. Talia also helped me pick out the perfect necklace with her birthstone in it. I'm hoping she'll love it. I didn't want to buy her anything too crazy, considering this is the first gift exchange we've had.

Jordyn is currently decorating the apartment with millions of balloons and corny birthday decorations from the costume store. Riley agreed to buy the cake, which he just put into the fridge and is now stocking it full of alcoholic beverages.

I called off work for a "family emergency" and ensured that Natalie would help hold Scarlett a little later. She also told me she'd text me when Scarlett left work; that way, I'd know when Scarlett would be coming home.

It's nearly six at night, so I'm expecting a text soon. All the decorations are set up, and every guest, except the birthday girl herself, has arrived. Everyone is chatting amongst themselves, Jenny's mom even preparing Scarlett's favorite dinner.

I'm anxiously tapping my foot on the ground repeatedly as I wait for Natalie's text.

Jordyn plops down next to me on the couch, patting my shoulder a few times. "She's gonna love it, you know. She acts like her birthday isn't a big deal, but she secretly loves stuff like this."

"I hope so, considering you're the one that convinced me to do this in the first place," I reply, smirking as I take a swig from my beer.

Jordyn smiles. "Trust me; I know what's best."

I chuckle at that, rolling my eyes. Riley sits beside his girlfriend, and they start flirting shamelessly, cueing to leave the area. I head into the kitchen where Bonnie and Jenny are cooking. Jenny insisted she didn't need any help, but they decided two were better than one once the two got to talking.

"Zayn!" Bonnie exclaims. "What a sweet boy you are, doing this for Scarlett and all. I always knew you two were in love."

Jenny smirks knowingly, continuing to stir whatever she's cooking at the stove. I laugh, nodding my head. "Your place brought us together, Bon. Without you, we may have never met."

Bonnie's eyes light up. "You two are the whole reason I opened that place. For people to come and feel safe, to meet others that enjoy the vacant calmness of the night."

"You should write a book," Jenny says. We all laugh at that.

"Maybe I will. An old broad like me has a lot of stories to tell." Bonnie turns back to face me, smiling. "I think you two would've met anyway."

I furrow my brows. "Why's that?"

"A love like yours and that instant connection you two had? I don't know if you believe in soulmates, but hell, I sure do." She explains.

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