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Zayn's about to take me to see the whole city from the top of the world. Well, not exactly the top of the world, but you know, pretty close.

I'm a tiny bit drunk, but not a lot. All I know is my boyfriend is hot as hell, and his hands are all over me. It's kind of distracting, honestly, but I'm not gonna tell him that. Maybe I should tell him that.

I decide against it but nudge him and tell him I'm going to the bathroom. "I'll walk you." He says. He wraps a protective arm around my waist, and we walk to the bathroom together. Z leans against the wall and waits for me as I head inside.

I'm a little wobbly on my own, but I make it to my stall and pee for literally 60 seconds. It feels great.

Once I'm done, I stare at myself in the mirror for a minute too long. I look hot. These pants fit me perfectly, hugging my hips just the right way. My shirt is technically lingerie, but it's modest enough to serve as a regular shirt.

I laugh at myself for admiring myself in the mirror and wash my hands, heading out to meet my man.

"Ready?" He asks, his eyes shamelessly raking down my body.

"Don't look at me like that," I murmur, tucking myself back into his chest.

He chuckles and snakes his arm back around my waist. "Was Jordyn in there?"

I shake my head, smirking. "They definitely went home. They couldn't stop touching each other."

Zayn nods with a laugh, and we're about to walk out before I realize I left my phone and purse at the bar. "I left my purse." I sigh.

Zayn leads us back to the bar, and no surprise there, my shit is gone. Great. I huff and sit back down on the stool, putting my head in my hands. My license and my key card for work are in there.

Zayn rubs my back calmingly. "Relax, baby. It can't be far. I'll find it." He goes to where the bartender is standing at the end of the bar. He talks to her for a minute before she walks away.

I look around the bar while we wait. So many different types of people, some are celebrating, some drowning their misery, some just watching the game. Everyone has their own story; it's so beautiful to think about.

My eyes stop on a man with a tall glass of beer in front of him, his face covered with a thick beard and a dark navy blue hoodie. When I look into his eyes, he's staring right at me. He doesn't look away as if he's been caught. He just continues to stare, a creepy smirk tugging at his lips.

I look back to Zayn. His eyes are on the bartender who is handing him my purse. I smile gratefully and rush over to him, feeling uneasy after that creepy man situation.

"She thought we left, so she moved it so no one would steal it," Zayn explains, handing me my purse and phone. The man is following me with his eyes, creeping me out even further. 

"That was nice of her," I say gratefully, grabbing his hand and tugging him out of the bar quickly. I just want to get away from here.

"Everything okay, Scar?" Zayn asks, concern laced in his tone. We stop just in front of his car, and I nod.

"Just unlock the car, please," I say anxiously, my hand on the handle, ready to pull. He unlocks it, and we get in, Zayn's concerned eyes never leaving mine.

"What's wrong?" He grabs my face gently and turns me to face him.

I shake my head, smiling. "Nothing, just some creepy guy was staring at me. Let's just go."

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