chapter thirteen.

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    "I don't know, mom. I schedule the sessions when I feel I need them," I sigh into my phone, glancing at the clock as it edges closer to ten.

    I'm frantically getting ready to meet Zayn at the cafe, but my mother won't stop chatting me up. I guess it's my own fault. I haven't spoken to her in a while.

    "Okay. Have your meds been working? No more of those... thoughts?" She asks warily. I can tell she is exhausted, probably taking on another long shift at the diner. I'm sure she is lonely. My father is never around anymore.

    I try not to sound too down as I answer her. I don't want to give her any reason to worry. "Yeah. They make the days easier. It's up and down. I'm fine, momma."

    "Okay, baby. You know you can call me when you need anything." Her voice is tired and low.

    "I know," I put the phone down and pull my jeans on quickly, picking it up again. "I gotta go, momma."

    "Goodnight, Scar. I love you. I'll see you for your graduation, yeah?"

    "Yes. I will send you the tickets tomorrow. I love you," she mumbles an okay in response, and I hang up, looking at my hazardous hair in my dirty bathroom mirror.

    "Fuck. I'm late," I grumble to myself as the clock hits 10:05 PM.

    Jordyn is sitting on the couch with Riley, cuddling up with a giant bowl of popcorn. They pause the movie and look at me pulling on my shoes and a jacket.

    "In a hurry, Scar?" Jor asks, a tight-lipped smirk on her lips.

    "Yes. No. Well... fuck off." I stutter. She knows I have plans with Zayn. She smiled proudly when I told her I would be with Zayn tonight. The interrogation she gave me after he left this morning was comical.

    I grab my keys, and Riley waves goodbye. "Have fun on your date!" He shouts.

    I flip him off. "It's not a date!" I shout back and walk out the door. I hear their laughter behind the closed door and find myself holding a small smile, too.

    I rush to my car and start it up, heading towards 25 Hours. I really hope he's not upset with me for being late. I doubt he's much earlier than me, anyway. I can't imagine him being in a hurry to get to the cafe.

    I pull into the small parking lot and take my usual spot right on the edge of the lot. I lock my car and head into the cafe, covering my body tightly with my oversized zip-up.

    Once I walk in and hear the small chime of the bell, I see Zayn's muscular back crouched over our usual table in the corner. He's clad in his usual black hoodie and dark blue jeans. His brunette curls are a mess on top of his head.

    Even his back profile is handsome.

    I go up to the counter and order a black coffee, waving to Bonnie, who's smiling behind the counter. As I wait for my coffee, she comes up and chats with me.

    "Hi there, sweet girl," her calm voice puts me at ease and always makes me feel like I've found a second home here. "What've you been up to?"

    "Hi Bon," I give her a short hug over the counter. "Oh, you know, final year of college things." I wave my hand, trying not to think of the long list of responsibilities I have.

    "Ah. I remember those days," she says, reminiscing.

    "Where'd you go to school, Bon?" I ask. I've always wanted to know more about Bonnie. She's this perfectly put-together woman with a successful shop that she started on her own. She's always here. I wonder if she has any family. I think she said she did, but I can't remember.

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