chapter twenty-two.

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22 - ZAYN
One Month Later

Scarlett and I have been on a high for the past few weeks. We spend most weekends together but weekdays are occupied by work.

Rocky has been giving me shit for not officially introducing them yet, but I'm nervous as fuck.

I've never dated a girl long enough for her to meet the family. Rocky is my only family worth meeting, so I was holding off.

Now Rocky is coming to town, and he wants to meet Scar before he leaves. I haven't asked her yet, and if she's uncomfortable with it, I'd tell Rocky to fuck off.

It feels too soon for me, but Rocky won't take no for an answer, and I know that Scarlett meeting Rocky is inevitable.

I feel Scarlett shuffle underneath me, her arms wrapping tightly around my waist. I feel her smile against my chest.

"Morning, beautiful," I say, kissing the top of her head.

She mumbles something inaudible as she cuddles closer to my body.

Damn. My girl can be strong when she wants to be.

"I don't wanna get up," she sighs.

I run my hands through her hair softly. "Then don't. Just rest, baby."

Ever since Scarlett opened up to me about her past trauma, all I've wanted to do is protect her. I know she doesn't need protection, but the thought of someone taking advantage of her like that makes me sick.

Knowing that he didn't get any form of punishment for it either makes it even worse. I see the law fail people every day, but it's different when it happens to someone you truly care for.

I look down to see Scarlett's eyes closed and her mouth slightly upturned. Her soft breaths can be felt against my chest. I've never felt so comfortable in my damn life.

We laid there, just holding one another, for another hour or so before finally pulling ourselves out of bed.

"I gotta ask you something," I say, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind as she brushes her teeth.

She furrows her brows but nods. "What is it?"

I sigh, hiding my face in her shoulder with a groan. "You can say no, okay?" I warn.

She just laughs, putting her toothbrush back and spinning in my arms to face me. "Ask."

"Rocky is coming to visit, and he wants to meet you. I told him it's too soon for all that, but he insisted," I say, gauging her reaction.

She smiles. "I'd love to."

My eyes widen a little, and I can feel my jaw open slightly on its own. Huh? No hesitation? Is she okay?

"Really?" I ask.

She nods again, looking at me as though I'm stupid. "Of course, I want to meet your brother. He's the most important person in your life. I just hope he likes me."

Well, fuck. As if she couldn't get any more perfect.

I can't contain my grin as I grab her around the waist and give her a bear hug, squeezing her tight.

"So lunch then?" I ask, glaring at the clock. It's only ten in the morning, so I've got time to figure out what Rocky's plans are.

"Sounds good. Now get out. I've gotta shower." Her small hands push at my chest, and I laugh. She's trying her damn best, but I haven't moved an inch. She steps back and crosses her arms, scowling at me. I raise my hands in surrender and back out of the bathroom.

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