chapter eighteen.

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18 - ZAYN

Maybe taking Scarlett to this party wasn't the best idea.

She's currently twirling random strands of her hair around her fingers while singing the Hannah Montana theme song.

To say she's drunk is an understatement.

I knew it was gonna be bad when Amanda started lining up shots of Tequila. Not to mention every time someone fed me a drink, I'd ask Scarlett if she wanted it, and she'd steal it right from my hands.

I never took her for the drinking type, but the girl is full of surprises. Watching her have a good time and be careless for a little while was so refreshing. She's always cautious and protective of her own heart. I wish she'd tell me why.

As I approach the stop sign just before Scarlett's apartment, she shouts. "Turn here!" Her hand swings out and points in the direction of her apartment.

"Why, thank you, cruise director." I grab her hand and kiss the top of it. I'm not even sure why the fuck I did that but whatever.

I pull into a parking spot and rush out of the car to grab her door. I open her door, and she jumps out, falling into my arms, giggling relentlessly.

"Oh, jeez," she mutters between laughs. "Walking. We're walking."

I laugh and throw her arm around my neck and place my arm sturdily around her waist to keep her upright. I kick the door closed with my foot and rush to get her into her apartment safely.

"Where's your key, love?" I ask, brushing the hair from her face.

"Love? I like that," she giggles.

I smirk. "Focus, love. Where's your key?" I repeat.

"Pocket purse. In the pocket of my purse," she slurs. I shuffle my hand around her purse until I hear the jingle of her keys. I pull them out and open her door, carefully walking us inside.

Jordyn and her boyfriend are sitting on the couch, looking caught as she readjusts her top.

Well, fuck. That's awkward.

"Zayn?" Jordyn asks, walking towards us.

"Hey," I mutter, bringing Scarlett to one of their stools. I lift her gently by the hips and place her onto the stool. "Stay upright."

I walk around the island, looking hopelessly at the cabinets. "Jordyn, where are your cups?"

"Top right cabinet," she points.

I grab a cup and fill it up with ice water, bringing it back to Scarlett. She smiles at me, her eyes squinted, not really focusing on anything.

"How did she get so drunk?" Jordyn asks. She's looking at me as if I purposefully intoxicated her best friend.

"We saw a party was going on at the banquet hall downtown and decided to go there instead of the other party. It was a divorce party, and Scarlett made friends with everyone." I explain.

"Scarlett? Making friends with everyone?" Riley says, finally emerging from the couch.

"That doesn't sound like my Scar," Jordyn adds.

Scar. I like that.

"When I say everyone, I mean everyone. She couldn't stop chatting, which led to doing shots and requesting fruity drinks at the bar." I defend. I feel like they're accusing me of lying, and I'm not standing for it.

I look over to Scarlett and see her staring into space, clenching her glass of water tightly. I walk over to her and gently rub her back. She looks as if she's not even present like her body is here, but she's not.

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