chapter twenty-eight.

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authors note-
Hi friends :) This is a double update so make sure you're reading chapter 28 (this one) first! Enjoy <3 P.S. Thank you so so much for 1K reads! i appreciate every single one of you. 

28 - ZAYN

    I have never seen my brother this nervous in my life. It's the morning of his wedding day, and as his best man, I'm responsible for keeping all his pre-wedding jitters in check.

    "I'm going to fucking trip." He blurts anxiously for the fifth time since we sat down for breakfast.

    I roll my eyes. "You're not going to trip, Rock. If anything, Talia should be the one worrying about that. She has to wear heels and a dress."

    "Doesn't matter," he mumbles anxiously. He's got to be the most dramatic person I know.

    We eat our breakfast at Rocky's favorite breakfast restaurant: The Pancake House. I swear the man could eat his weight in "dollar pancakes." I don't blame him; they're pretty fuckin' good.

    "This whole 'can't see each other before the wedding' shit is stupid too. I mean, what if I see her on the aisle and suddenly she's extremely revolting, and I can't go through with it? Plus, she was the one who didn't want traditional. Well, that's as traditional as it gets!" He rambles, running a hand through his hair.

    I stare at him blankly. "You honestly think you'll fall out of love with Tals in less than 24 hours?"

    He groans. "Obviously not, Zayn, but hypotheticals are valuable worries, bro." He downs the last of his coffee with a sigh. 

    "You need to quit it with this irrational anxiety. You've always been the calm, cool, collected one, remember? There can only be one irrational sibling, and I proudly hold that title."

I guess it's normal for people to get anxious on their wedding day, but I never expected it of Rocky. He's been so sure of this since the moment he decided on proposing, now suddenly he's losing his mind? I guess it's true- love really does make you crazy.

"I just want to hold my girl, is that too much to fucking ask for?" He says grumpily. I chuckle at his aggravation, ignoring him. 

We spend the rest of the breakfast devouring our pancakes and engaging in small talk. For the most part, Rocky keeps his ludicrous thoughts to himself.

Scarlett keeps texting me from back at the hotel, wondering when she should get to the venue. As the best man, I have to get ready with my brother and the rest of the wedding party, but Scarlett will be meeting me here eventually.

To say I was excited to see her was an understatement. I just saw her this morning, but I have yet to see her dress. All she told me was that I would love it, which is a no-brainer because anything she wears I'd love.

"If you miss her that much, just have her get ready with us," Rocky says from the passenger seat as we drive back to the venue. He must've seen me checking my phone for a text from her. 

"Trust me, I offered. She doesn't want to impose."

Rocky rolls his eyes. "Where did you find such a polite and considerate woman? She's too good for you." Rocky jokes.

I flip him off but nod in agreement because he is absolutely right. I knew Scarlett was too good for me the moment she opened her mouth.

We pulled into the venue parking lot. It's an outdoor venue, its sole purpose for events like weddings and other celebratory events. There's a large building where the reception will be held. There are also two large rooms inside where Talia and Rocky's bridal parties will be getting ready.

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