chapter twelve.

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12 - ZAYN

I'm confused as fuck.

Where the hell am I? I woke up in a small two-bedroom apartment on a surprisingly comfortable white couch, a fuzzy purple blanket covering me.

I remember absolutely nothing after leaving that liquor store last night, and I really hope this isn't some random one-night stand situation because that would be really shitty for me.

I'm still fully clothed, and I'm not in someone's bed, so I'm taking that as a good sign. I've always had a habit of sleeping with inappropriate people at inappropriate times. That's why I've been staying away from bars and partying since college.

Last night was a moment of weakness, and I'm past it, but I need to figure out whose house this is.

Before I can get up and assess my surroundings, the front door swings open, a tall, athletic-looking girl barges in. She stares at me, looking confused, two hot coffees in her hands, and I fight the urge to jump out the nearest window.

"Hello?" she says warily, kicking the door closed with her foot.

"Hi," I respond, awkwardly shuffling up from the couch. "Who are you?"

"Who am I? This is my apartment. Who are you?" She questions. Good point.

"I'm Zayn. I have no idea how I got here," I answer honestly. I really hope I didn't do anything with this girl. She's hot and all, but I have my eyes on a shy brunette that likes the word 'um.'

"Oh," is all she says for a moment, a small smile appearing on her lips. "I'm Jordyn. Scarlett's roommate."

Scarlett's roommate? Wait. This is Scarlett's apartment? "You're Jordyn?"

"You're Zayn," she retorts, a knowing smirk taking over her face while she sticks her hand out to shake my own. "Nice to meet you." Does Scarlett talk about me? 

"Yeah, likewise."

"Scar's probably still asleep. I can grab her if you want?" She points to the hallway to our left. It's small with two doors on either side.

"No, it's okay. Let her sleep," I go back over to the couch and fold the blanket. "I should get going anyway." I have nowhere to go for a few hours, but sitting here and awkwardly waiting for Scarlett to wake up and tell me how the hell I got here doesn't feel too entertaining.

I don't even notice that Jordyn's left the room until she comes back with one less coffee and a tired brunette behind her.

Scarlett's hair is tied into a low bun, random strands framing her face. She's in a pair of loose grey sweatpants and a black tank top that stops just above her belly button.

God, she is fucking beautiful.

I don't even bother hiding the fact that I am fully staring at her. I wait for her chocolate eyes to find mine and smile when they do.

"Good morning," she says, her morning voice raspier than her regular voice. She sips the warm coffee in her hands and walks towards me.

"Good morning. How'd you sleep?"

"You're welcome!" We hear Jordyn's voice shout and the door to her bedroom close, leaving us alone in her living room. I like her.

Scarlett lets out a small laugh and shakes her head at her friend. "Good. How was the couch?"

"Honestly? Really comfortable." I answer truthfully, watching as her face lights up at my response.

"I'm glad. Well, um- I can make us some breakfast if you're hungry. We haven't gone shopping in a while, so I'm not sure how good it will taste." I can tell she wants to ramble on more about the various thoughts lingering in her head, but she bites her lip and looks down.

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