chapter seventeen.

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This past week has left me absolutely exhausted- emotionally and physically. Enough so that I scheduled another therapy appointment. My second one this week, not to mention.

The only thing that's kept me sane is knowing I've got people in my life that take me away from all the stress. I've had to get a lot of prep work done before my first day of work next week. Jordyn and I have been running to a million different graduation parties, most of which end with both of us drunk and stumbling home.

Zayn's been working non-stop. Apparently, Adelaide has a really important case that requires his complete attention. We try to call when we can, but we've both been so busy that they're fleeting.

I hate to admit it, but I miss him. It's rare for me to feel so connected to someone. When he's not around, I can feel the shift in my energy. He makes me feel happy. Real, true happiness. It's starting to scare me.

This is the exact reason I booked another appointment with Dr. Sweeny. I've always been afraid of relationships. Not even romantic, just relationships in general. It's why I only have one close friend.

When you get close to people, it allows them to hurt you. It makes you vulnerable when you care for someone, and I don't have room in my soul for more pain. That's not the only reason, though, and I think it's time to admit that to Dr. Sweeny.

I pull up to the familiar office building and head inside, checking in with her receptionist. I take my usual spot on the green couch, waiting patiently before I get a text.

25 Hours tonight? I need some play after all this work.

I try not to smile too big at his text. I'm finally going to be able to see him again, and I've been craving a fun adventure to complete from our list.

See you there. 10?

Before Zayn replies, Dr. Sweeny comes out, saying her goodbyes to her previous patient and welcoming me to her room.

As I sit on the leather couch across from her, she smiles brightly. "I was surprised to hear from you again so soon,"

"Yeah, I just, I have something on my mind," I start, stuttering as usual. I wish I could get rid of that habit.

"What's going on?" She asks kindly, her voice soft like classical music.

I sigh heavily, preparing to tell her everything I've been struggling with. Before I can start, I feel my phone buzz and glance at the screen as it rests on my leg.

10 works. Can't wait to see you, beautiful.

I can't even stop the heat that flows to my cheeks and the stupid smile that pulls on my lips.

"Someone important?" Dr. Sweeny asks.

"Um, yeah, I guess," I shrug, switching off my phone and putting it in my back pocket. "That's kind of what I want to talk about."

"Someone new?"

"Yeah. We met a little over a month ago, but I feel like I've known him for years," I know I sound corny, but it's the truth, and I learned not to lie to Dr. Sweeny a long time ago.

"Sometimes we meet people that we feel are meant to find us. I know I'm supposed to focus on the science of it all, but perhaps you knew this person in another life,"

"Maybe," I sigh, not trying to think too deeply about that possibility. I believe in soulmates and all that stuff, but it's scary to think about sometimes.

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