But I'm Just Ugly

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Umm so this is gonna have body insecurities, cause why not vent through writing right? So definetly be careful with this one if these things trigger you in any way.

"Bye everyone!" Karl smiled and laughed. Sapnap and Quackity also laughed.

-Stream ended-

An hour later

Karl looked at himself in the mirror with anger. He looked so..ugly. Sapnap was perfect, he was pretty muscular but still soft. And Quackity was just an expample of a perfect human being. Just..he's one of the best people to have existed.

And yet they were dating Karl. The ugliest, stupid, most useless person on the planet. He knew that. And he didn't understand how he was able to get those two as lovers. His imperfect self against them two? They could drop him at any minute and he wouldn't blame them.

Just as he broke his glare from the mirror, he felt the tears start to fall. They were wasting their time with him. He wasn't good enough, and he knew that. Karl took one last look at himself before grabbing his journal and writing in it.

~in the notebook~

I think it's been about 3 days since I've eaten a whole meal, I keep convincing Sap and Q I ate before and they fall for it. I feel bad tricking them, but it's for the bast. Maybe soon I'll be good enough to be with them without feeling like a waste of time. I still don't get why they're with me, they could just leave and have a perfect life without me. I guess they don't want me to be alone? I'm starting to feel a lot more tired, and the Monster isn't doing as much as it used too. Why could I be as perfect as them? Or as perfect as Dream or George? Or just at least decent?


Karl looked at the book before bringing it and hiding it in a little compartment in the closet (aha closets amirite chat? Sorry I'll go-) he usually hides it in. He took his hoodie and tried to hide his whole body in it but to no avail. He just sighed as Quackity came in.

"Karl? What are you doing?" Quackity asked. In his eyes, Karl was just on the floor staring at himself in a mirror they had in their shared bedroom.

"AH- what the honk Q you scared me!" Karl huffed. They both laughed as Sapnap came in. He had cans of Monster that he a was trying to hide from Karl, and obviously that didn't work.

"Oh- uh- Well" Sapnap smiled awkwardly. "I'm definitely not hiding the energy drinks. Nope. Not me. Wrong bitch." Sapnap rushed out and found another plane to put the Monster.

"What cha doin?" Quackity asked Karl, hugging him from behind.

"N-nothing." Karl tensed, and Quackity noticed.

"You okay baby?" Quackity asked. He looked at Karl in the eyes, and could only see pain. Karl nodded and looked away again.

Later that day, Quackity was helping Karl clean up the house a little bit and found his most recent notebook. Karl was in another room, so he decided he had time to check who's it was and get it back without any help. He took the book and opened it, reading the first page, and he couldn't believe his eyes. The first page was filled with hiding spots, and the books we're numbered. There were more? He read the next page, and it was Karl's handwriting.

'I don't know why I feel this way. It's starting to hurt..a lot. I'm trying but it's not working. Quackity and Sapnap can't find out, they would be so angry. I know that they would be. I tell them I ate before when they try to get me to eat. They would be so upset if they found out I lied to them. I can't even think about what they would say. What kind of person does this to his boyfriends and best friends?'

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