Hospital Visit

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Karl and Quackity finally arrived home, soaking wet and crying.

"What happened?!" Sapnap exclaimed worriedly, rushing over to his fiancés, one of which had a bloody face.

"W-we ran into some bad people coming home..and they..they tried to hurt Quackity..and I..I tried to help but.." Karl mumbled, more worried about Quackity than his bloody nose and bruised jaw ans cheek.

"Okay, okay come on, we'll get you both cleaned up and dry okay?" Sapnap said, rushing to the bathroom to get medical supplies while Karl and Quackity went to change.

"Karl, I'm so sorry, you shouldn't have had to-" Quackity started, but was quickly interrupted by Karl shushing him.

"It's..It's okay bub, it's fine..I'll okay!" He stumbled over his words, probably from his hurt jaw and bloody nose or being out of it from being beat up.

Quackity tried to reason with Karl to tell him he didn't have to run in to help, but Karl would hear none of it as they got changed.

"Karl, come here?" Sapnap asked, taking out some alcohol wipes.

"Mhmm.." Karl sighed, waking over to Sapnap fully changed into warmer clothes.

As Sapnap attempted to clean Karl's wounds (not very well since Karl was squirming so much), thunder was starting outside. Immediately, Karl and Quackity froze and started panicking, holding onto each other and Sapnap so tight they nearly suffocated each other.

"G-guys I physically cannot breathe" Sapnap choked out before the grip on him was very weakened. He took Quackity and put him on the bed next to him while Karl was sat on Sapnap's lap, having his wounds treated.

"Pan..das, I'm okay..check on..on Quackity first.." Karl mumbled, holding onto his arm which very well could have been broken in the altercation.

"No, no Karl, I'm fine! Your the one who jumped in to save me, I'm not hurt! You are!" Quackity shouted, holding onto Karl's hand. "You need to start caring about yourself, you couldn't been killed out there if the cops weren't called!"

"That's..that's fine, Quackity..I would be completely..completely okay with that.."

"What?! No, you would not! What about the kids we were filling out forms to adopt? What about our dreams? Karl, you can't say things like that!" Quackity shouted sadly, kissing Karl's hand.

"Karl..we love you so much. We can't lose you, please don't say things like that.." Sapnap whispered, unable to think of the pain he would feel losing one of his beloved husbands.

"Guys I'll..I'll be okay..don't worry about..about it! I've gone through..through worse.." Karl sighed sadly. He smiled at the two. "You guys..probably won't need..need to dig into what..what that would mean.."

Quackity looked at Karl in shock. All this time, all the advice, all the recommendations for therapists, help with overcoming fear, all the things Karl did to help him when he left the relationship with Schlatt..

Had Karl had experience with an abusive loved one?

There was no time to focus on that, all Quackity and Sapnap wanted was to help fix up Karl.

"Baby, we're gonna clean your face first okay? Is anywhere else hurt?" Sapnap asked, holding a fresh alcohol wipe to one of the cuts.

Karl hissed at the contact, alcohol in an open wound hurt. "I think I'm..I'm not hurt anywhere else."

"Karl, your really stumbling over your words. Are you okay? Should we call the hospital?" Quackity asked, still totally freaked out by the whole altercation he had watched his husband get into just to save him from being hurt.

"I'm fine..really.." Karl said.

Sapnap took a second to look. Karl looked dazed, and seemed much more tired than usual.

"Karl, baby, answer me 100% honestly okay?" Sapnap asked.

Karl nodded.

"Are you dizzy at all?"

"Y..yeah.." Karl slurred, his vision getting slightly blurrier.

"Ears ringing? Headache? Feel nauseous?"


"Oh fuck..Quackity stay with him and keep him awake no matter what. I'm calling the hospital."

"Okay, got it!" Quackity shouted to Sapnap, who had already dashed down the hall.

Quick explanation, Sapnap is in med school in this AU and knows how to recognize things that could be bad just with bit of work.

Karl looked over at Quackity with his dazed expression. "I'm fine..I survived enough..enough of these." Karl huffed, but he sounded so out of it Quackity could tell he probably had no ender guy to be stubborn about this.

"Karl, baby, we need to be sure your okay. ⟟ don't think your arm should look like that..god why didn't I think of this sooner??"

"'s not your..your fault..Schlatt's just a..a real honking...rude guy.." Karl sighed, trying to shake off the dizziness but instead ending up even more sick and throwing up on the floor. "Holy shit..I didn't..didn't mean to..I'm sorry..don't hurt..hurt me!"

"Karl, baby, shhhh. What are you talking about? We wouldn't hurt you!" Quackity nearly cried, trying to keep Karl awake.

"Ashley..please stop it..go..go away!" Karl cried.

"Karl? What the fucking hell is happening? Do you think I'm someone else? Baby?!"

Ashley looks lot like Quackity

"Okay, the ambulance is on its way!" Sapnap called.

"Baby, you go get dressed, I'll keep an eye on Karl." Quackity tried to say, but Sapnap saw Karl crying and there was no way he would leave now.

"Karl, baby, what's wrong?"

"Get..get her away..away from me..please!" Karl mumbled, nearly passing out.

"NO, Karl, stay awake okay? You can't be asleep right now!" Sapnap cried, shaking Karl a bit and hugging him. "Karl, you need to be strong and fight the tiredness, okay?"

" I..doing here..?" Karl huffed, barely able to stay conscious.

"Oh god.."

The ambulance arrived.

They took Karl and Sapnap drove right behind them with Quackity.

What was gonna happen to their husband?
Would he even survive?

We'll see....

Word count w/o AN's: 975
Word count with AN's: 1128

Okay. Pain. I'm sorry-
wrote this in 50 minutes :]



And yes, the adoption mention will be oneshot that's completely separate from this one either way

I'm okay with writing sad AND happy end, but just know sad end is gonna break my heart and probably your hearts too-


won't hurt you refuse to but you must take care of yourselves 😤

Anygays, see you next time on..
weirdweeb947's karlnapity oneshots !
Our shared account's oneshots
-your beloved author Karl Jamie 🐝

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