Welp, Twitch might ban me

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very small reference to Monster Ultra in this one, refuse to read it but Ky told me more than enough 😀🔫
This makes no sense so enjoy

Now, Karl doesn't really get tired often. He has so many energy drinks that he somehow sneaks past his boyfriends that he could go days with no sleep. He usually would just crash for a whole day afterwards.

And today, he was wide awake.

Quackity walked into Karl's little streaming room, holding an empty Monster Ultra can. The white can had been found on the floor in the living room.

"Karl. Please tell me you didn't drink this." Quackity sighed as he held the empty can out for Karl to see.

"No, Quackity, I fucked myself with it." Karl sighed sarcastically.

"⟟ wouldn't be surprised. We caught you doing that 3 times already. Probably more times we haven't seen or heard of." Quackity retorted, throwing out the can and rolling his eyes.

"Q! We don't talk about that!" Karl huffed, his face turning the brightest red you would ever honking see.

"Mhmm. Yeah, I'm never gonna give that up."

I'm so sorry back to the story-

"What's going on?" Sapnap asked as he walked in, holding his phone. "Your unmuted and your camera is on, stream can still see and hear you.


"Okay, this is just ridiculous." Quackity grumbled. "He's still mad at me" >:[

"Baby, I love you, but you legit let the whole world know he's fucked himself with Monster Ultra cans multiple times." Sapnap sighed. "And Twitter is screaming about 'Monster Ultra was real omg!!', I think he may be a tiny bit upset."

"..yeah, I see what you mean- I don't mean to though! I was trying to tell him no more Monsters and then he sarcastically said he fucked himself with it! I had to go along, too good of a chance to waste-"

"Okay, bubs what's wrong?" Quackity sighed. "I'm sorryyyy.."

"No, baby, it's fine. It's just..I could probably get banned on Twitch for that stuff aha" Karl sighed.

"Wait what-"

Karl just waved it off. "Meh it should be fine, just jokes and stuff nothing too bad."

Karl wasn't banned but still
He could've been
And he used that against his boyfriends to be mad at them for 3 days stra- stria- strighat. ⟟ give up. 3 days gay.

Grey edited this before published it and they told me not to read it, idk why. I'm just hoping they didn't do something bad-
-your beloved author Karl Jamie 🐝

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