I wanna go to the park ;-; - Part 1

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was at the park at 12am the other day, so took cute picture and ended up thinking up this oneshot! Hope you enjoy!!
have another picture for Part 2 too >:3

"Pandaaaaaaaas!! Come onnnnnnn!!!" Karl whined, shaking Sapnap. Karl really wanted to go out to the nearby park and swing. As much as he had to be the adult in quite a few situations, he really let his inner child out when he wanted to go out, especially to a park.

"Karlll, baby, it's 11pm.." Sapnap slurred, barely able to speak from how tired he was.

"But Sapppyyyyy!! I wanna goooo!!" Karl huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting.

"Karl, baby, why are you up? It's so late.." Quackity sighed, coming in from his streaming room. He had been editing videos for hours, and was angry at PC's for the next few hours.

"Wanna go to parkkk!!" Karl pouted, holding his arms above his head and throwing them around, punching at the air in frustration.

"Karl, baby, can we not go in the morning?" Sapnap sighed, sitting up in the throuple's shared bed and stretching.

"Nooooo! People are gonna yell at us for being adults playing at the parkkkk!!" Karl whined. "I don't wanna deal with themmmmm!!!"

"Okay okay, I'll go get dressed. This is only cause I love you and your not gonna let me sleep anyways." Sapnap sighed, rubbing his eyes before getting out the bed and heading to the bathroom to change.

"I'll go get ready, then." Quackity smiled at Karl, playfully giving him a kiss on the cheek before heading to get a good outfit and one of his many LAFD beanies..or maybe one of his new ones Karl got him. Who knows.

Karl smiled, going to grab his favorite green swirl, mismatched color hoodie (of which he actually has another 5 exact copies of) and some black jeans.

Sapnap comes back in 10 minutes later with a grey hoodie and dark red jeans, hugging Karl from behind.

"You look so pretty Karl~" Sapnap teased, giving Karl a kiss on the cheek before laying his head on his shoulder.

A few minutes later, Quackity came in wearing a blue beanie with little duck designs stitched onto the ends of it. He had on a light blue button up shirt and dark blue jeans. "Karl, this beanie is so comfy! Where did you get it?" He smiled, hugging his lovers and giving them both a kiss.

Karl giggled at the kiss, hugging Quackity and smiled. "I made it you nimrod! Techno taught me how to knit and it was so fun! Can we go to park now??"

"Okay okay, let's go." Sapnap smiled, going to grab the house keys as they left for the park.

It's..4:30am..I'm so good at sleeping right guys?? 😀🤚
Anygays, y'all go take care of yourself while try to sleep for at least 30 minutes before have to get up- ;-;
Part 2 will be here tomorrow!!
-Your beloved author Karl Jamie 🐝

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