Sugar Crash Exhaustion

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Vent chapter (for Karly)

Quick note, we want to pay our respects to the creator of the video linked in this chapter. If you would like to know what happened, please go to the video's youtube comments. We are genuinely sorry for what happened.

I'm on a sugar chash! I ain't got no fucking cash.

Karl smiled at the mirror. He held the counter tightly as he held in tears of exhaustion. He kept smiling, holding his tears back for as long as he possibly could before bursting out crying. He had no energy, he could barely even stand anymore. He was..comepletely burnt out.

Maybe I should take a bath? Cut my fucking brain in half! :D

"Hey Karl!" Sapnap smiled at his lover, who walked in the room with an not very obviously forced smile and wave.

"Hey Pandas! I didn't know you were awake." Karl laughed, going to the kitchen and grabbing 5 Monsters. Sapnap didn't notice, as he was busy texting Quackity, who was out.

"You need anything from the store baby? Alex is gonna stop by later and pick up groceries."

Karl began to say Monster, but all that escaped his lips before he nearly broke his nose falling over was "Mons-"

I'm not lonely! Just a bit, tired of this fucking shit.

"Woah, Karl! Are you okay?" Sapnap exclaimed, rushing over to see Karl had already run upstairs. He walked over to Karl's personal room, the room he had ran into. Sapnap sighed as he knocked on the door. "Bubs? You okay?"

Nothing that I write can make me..feel good :]

"I'm fine!" Karl called out happily, chugging a whole Monster can before getting back to editing his video. He held it together for about 30 minutes before he started crying hysterically.

Victim of the great machine, in love with everything I see!
Neon lights surrounding me, I indulge in luxury.

Karl looked around him. LED lights, all a nice purple with a blue tint. He smiled slightly. His boyfriends got them for him back when they had only known each other for 3 months, alnog with so much more. Yet, he could never seem to give them anything in return.

Everything I do is wrong 'cept for when I hit the bong..
Hit the bong, hit the bong, feel good!

Karl sighed, looking at his Monster cans. He grabbed another, chugging it like he needed it to survive. He smiled and sighed as he drank the whole can in 2 minutes flat.

Feeling shitty in my bed, didn't take my fucking meds :]

He fell out his chair, basically dragging himself to his bed so he wasn't freezing on the floor. He didn't take his anxiety meds, and Monster wasn't going to help that situation any more than air helps a fish.

Hyperpop up in my ears, everything just disappears

He couldn't really think anymore. All he could do is hear the

Grey: Karly, you said this was a vent..are you okay? I'm here lil dude..
Karl: yeah I'm fine! I'm always okay!
Jay: if you say so..Grey leave him alone for now okay? I don't think he wants to talk.
Grey: okay..I'm here though little dude okay?
Karl: mhmm.. :]

As he kept crying, he looked over at the pictures of him and his family sitting on the table.

Don't wanna be someone else, just don't wanna hate myself.

He looked at them longingly. How badly he wanted to be like his brother, so cool and funny and proud. So confident, and a straight cisgender male.

He couldn't help but compare himself to his sister, the lead of the cheer team in her high school. He thought of the many times she tried to get him into cheer, all because their mother wanted him to. Their mother wanted their child to be "a proper girl"

Just don't wanna hate myself, instead I wanna feel good ^^

Karl sighed, looking away from the pictures to stare at the ceiling.

"I'm on a sugar crash! I ain't got no fucking cash!"
"Maybe I should take a bath? Cut my fucking brain in half!"

He sang to himself quietly. He had written this 5 years ago, but never finished it. It was his own little song. Sapnap happened to come back right then.

"I'm not lonely..just a bit, tired of this fucking shit."
"Nothing that I write can make me..feel good :]"

Sapnap stood in the hall, confused but slightly concerned. Karl continued singing the little tube he made to himself, honestly pretty loudly considering he was trying to stay quiet.

"Well where to now?"
"I've got the rest of my life just laid out!"
"I've got the rest of my life to 'fuck around'!"
"Ive got the rest of my life just to make sound!"
"Feel good.."

Karl sighed, and his crying started once again. He was stressed, tired, and burnt out. He was pushing himself too hard, managing his discord server and his streaming and his family and all the other hectic parts of his life.

He was fucking tired.

"Karl? Bubs? Are you okay? You..sound upset.."

"Mmm..mhmm! I-I'm fine! Mhmm..mhmm!"

"Baby..can I come in?"


"Babes! I'm home- what the-"

It was really quiet. Quackity thought it was a bit too quiet. He put his bags down on the kitchen counter, promising himself he would figure out what was wrong later. Until then, he went to look for his fiancé's.

Not in the bathroom, not in the living room, not in their offices, not in Sapnap's room, not it Quackity's room, not- wait, they're in here? In Karl's room?

"Hey babe, welcome home." Sapnap said softly, holding a sleeping Karl.

"Hey, what happened to Karl?" Quackity asked quietly, tucking little bits of Karl's hair behind his ear.

"He's really tired and he's pushing himself a lot, he wants to make everyone happy.." Sapnap sighed, smiling at Quackity sadly. "He's completely burnt out.."

"Poor Karl..I'll go throw out stuff in the fridge and then we can all cuddle?" Quackity asked, giving Karl and Sapnap kisses in their cheek.

"Okay, love you baby." Sap so replied quietly and lovingly, going back to giving the sleeping Karl tons of kisses.

-your beloved author Karl Jamie, Grey and Mars

It may make little to no sense so sorry? Am not doing well and writing makes me happy but am not doing very good with it rn :[
Love you guys :] -KJ🐝

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