Sapnap: "What are you, 12?!"
Karl: "on a scale of 1-100, yes."
Quackity: "hold up what now-"Karl: "repeat after me-"
Quackity: "after me."
Karl: " he honking serious?"
Sapnap: from the other side of the room "no, he's Quackity."Quackity: "are you 12 or something?!"
Sapnap: "on a scale of 1-10, yes"
Karl: "you could honking say that again"
Sapnap: "wha-"Quackity : "you ever felt that feeling, looking at your boyfriends and realizing: FUCK I'm not straight. Or am I the only one?"
Karl: Quackity I swear to honking god go to bedSapnap: "you have really pretty eyes.."
Karl: sleep deprived and suspicious "thank you..?"
Sapnap: leans in
Quackity: "..Karlos when's the last time you slept-"Karl: "did you really lose Q again?"
Sapnap: "this calls for drastic measures(deep breath) SAPNAP AND KARL HATE QUACKITY"
Quackity: three blocks away "WHAT THE FUCK ID YOU SAY YOU LITTLE BITCH WHO WAS THAT?!"Sapnap: "bro I was watching my dog chase it's tail for 40 minutes and thought 'wow, animals are so easily entertained'.."
Karl: " do realize you-"
Sapnap: "yes I know."Quackity: Sapnap I think I got lost come pick me up Karl's tired of my shit already
Sapnap: istg if you got lost playing Pokémon Go again-
Quackity; I caught a Charizard I'll name it Sapnap if you get over here and help me
Sapnap: fine I'm on my way
(I forgot which Pokémon is which so I'm hoping that Charizard is the fire one-)Karl: it might be my insecurity
Karl: but every time I see those two alone *points at Sapnap and Quackity*
Karl: I fear they are plotting something.
Sapnap: if we run into the wall at the same time you think we could break it?
Quackity: let's fucking do itQuackity: can you do me a favor?
Sapnap: yeah
Quackity: when I die..
Quackity: can you change my social status to "Chillin with Jesus?"Sapnap: oh go fuck yourself
Quackity: I'm to lazy do it for me
Karl: ...what the honk-Sapnap: what the hell?
Quackity: (tired) you should know what hell is, Pandas, Karen's tell us to go there all the time.
Karl: (genuinely tired of their shit) I'm surprised you even graduated high school.(This would happen on Twitter)
Karl: okay but when Quackity's Spanish side pops off it's kinda hot..
Sapnap: so Quackity saw this tweet and started screaming in Spanish, he seems to be dying
Karl: oh my god record it please
Sapnap: and risk brain damage? No thank you
Karl: 🙄
Quackity: Karlos istg WHAT?!Tubbo: what's a thot?
Quackity: *nearly dies* uh- a thoughtful person-?
Tubbo: oh okay!
Sapnap: Quackity he's gonna use the word wrong-
Quackity: it's gonna be fine Pandas
Tubbo: thanks for helping me Karl, your such a thot!
Karl: *nearly dies* wHAT-
Sapnap and Quackity: *dying laughing*George: *phone starts ringing*
Quackity: *looks to see who's calling*
George: *looks Quackity directly in the eyes and picks up the phone* hey Dream
Karl: *spits out Monster and chokes*
Sapnap and Quackity: *dying of laughter*Snappy: BAD GUESS WHAT RHYMES WITH BEAUTIFUL
Bad: what Sgeppy? O.o
Skeppy: your face ❤️
Bad: Sgeppy I hate to break it to you but that doesn't rhyme
Skeppy: stop ruining my hopes and dreams.
Karl: Quackity shut the honk up and let him think.
Bad: ...wait-Quackity: look, dude, I don't mean to be homophobic or anything. Just that the lgbt+ community? Kinda gæ.
Karl: Q your dating two men-
Quackity: IM JUST SAYIN BRUH-(Would be on Twitter)
Sapnap: so lemme get this straight.
Everyone from the SMP: *gasp*
Sapnap: ..really. Your really gonna do this-
Karl: so your saying your straight?
Quackity: and after all this time of telling us you love us
Sapnap: oh my god I'm not straight we all know this I just wanted to know if Drista actually punched Dream in the face yesterday
Ph1lza: istg..I'm done I'm blocking you hectic shitsKarl: mom? Why did you marry dad?
Karl's mom: well honey, I loved him. And I knew he wouldn't survive a minute without me.
Karl: *gasp* so does that mean I have to marry Sapnap and Quackity?
Karl's mom: haha! If you do I want to be at the wedding!
Sapnap: he seriously-
Quackity: he is.Quackity: so Gogy, are you gay or European?
George: ..wha-
Karl: obviously gay dude, have you not seen the way him and Dream talk? 🙄
Sapnap: Karl stfu your gay as hell too
Quackity: guys please it was a fucking joke-
Dream: I'm so fucking done with you guys George let's go
George: *still honking confused*(Would be on Twitter)
Karl: *running on 5 cans of Monster and 3 hours of sleep this past week(same)* stop telling me the sky is the limit, when there aren't footprints on the moon
Sapnap: there are footprints on the moon Karl
Karl: even if there were, they're probably gone by now
Quackity: there's no water or wind on the moon Karlos, it would still be there
Karl: shut the honk up biology expert
Sapnap: b i o l o g y
Karl, the next day: went to sleep and saw this a little while after I woke up, I was just tired ignore me.(Would be on Twitter)
Antfrost: hey look who I saw on the Dream SMP the other day (picture of Quackity)
Karl: who's that?
Antfrost: Karl this isn't roleplay you don't have to forget your fiancé
Karl: no who the honk is that he's hot
Quackity: Karl wtf that's me
Karl: wait WHAT? NO WAY HUH?
Sapnap: Quackity get home right now you just made Karl's brain malfunction and your gonna help me fix him.Sapnap: *sweaty and tired* oh, your awake. Did you want anything? I'm going back out later.
Karl: *whispers* I'm so gay..
Quackity: huh-
Karl: I AM OKAY.Sapnap: this is random..but you ever feel that life's shit and you wanna dig yourself in a hole and die?
Karl: *not even looking up from his phone* yep.
Bad: *still reading his book* constantly.
Skeppy: *concerned* what-
Quackity: well that took a turnQuackity: when Sapnap smiles, I die
Sapnap: *jokingly* when Quackity dies, I smile
Karl: hey Quackity?
Quackity: yeah?
Skeppy: those pants are nice. You know where they would look better?
Quackity: I-
Skeppy: on Sapnap's floor.
Sapnap: are you..hitting on Quackity for me?-Karl: hello?
Quackity: it's Quackity
Karl: what did he do this time?
Quackity: no it's me..Quackity..
Karl: what did you do this time.Karl: ..HE GOT INTO A FIGHT?
Quackity: WHAT?
At the school
Tubbo: I-
Karl: *decides to simply die*Karl's mom: so when will I meet your girlfriend?
Karl's mom: or boyfriend~
Karl: *internal panic* how did she know I was gay? I DIDNT TELL HER THAT-
Sapnap and Quackity from the other room: *dying*Enjoy my crackhead hours that is 2am to 4am for the past two weeks
-Author KarlIt didn't post last night before I passed out 😤

karlnapity oneshots
FanficWe don't ship the real people, anything written is Sapnap, Quackity and Karl. Not Nick, Alex and Karl. If they don't want that, please tell us we probably won't know cause we can never catch the twitch streams, school stuff you know? Also art isn't...