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I hate it.

I hate it when Park Jimin starts acting like that. As if...

As if...

I had escaped out of the apartment to avoid another conversation with Jimin only to be tackled by Taeseob, my personal assistant. He 'escorted' me to a van and took me to a small studio.

"Oh heavens, I thought you'd be late" My stylist Sunhee, a woman with short black hair and smokey eyes grabbed my arms and looked with disappointment at me.

"Here's your outfit for today, go change" she had already pulled out a black dress and placing it in my hands, pushed me into a trying room.


"Shhh, no honey don't ask anything"

I changed into the dress and came out seething.

"Who's funeral is this for?" I asked.

"Mine, if I don't get you ready before he arrives" she motioned towards a chair in front of a giant mirror.

"Taehyung is really coming?" My face lit up and I seated myself without caring about how ugly the dress and the shoes were. It was all black with strips of off white. The shoes were black with block heels with G G written in gold and a little leather frill beneath that.

My hairdresser Monty, who had given me a haircut a couple of days before, started brushing my hair and dousing it in thick mist of a hair spray. He did a high ponytail for me which was so tight my eyes literally bulged out. At the same time Reese, worked on my face.

"Yes he is and he'll probably have our heads if we don't get you ready in time" she checked if my nails were in a proper condition.

"I was ready... you just made me change into this ugly dress"

"It's high end fashion, it's supposed to be ugly" she replied "Anyway, here's your bag. A pop of colour to brighten it up"

She placed a small bag in my lap. It was a combo of red, blue and green, with a useless satchel.

"I want sneakers. I can't walk properly in these"

"You're too demanding and no. You can't wear sneakers with this dress, it'd look crazy"

"Please no, my feet already hurt"

She looked into my eyes, smiled and the replied with a cold "no"

Sulkily, I walked out of there, pouting but my face lit up as soon as I saw a black car. Through the window I could see Taehyung's profile. He turned his head towards me and smiled too.

I ran the steps just as his chauffeur Kang opened the door for me and jumped inside. The truth was, I was scared and anxious and him being there meant the world to me.

"Hi Papi" I beamed "I missed you"

He brushed my hair with his hands, looking carefully at me.

"How are you?" He asked softly.

"Happy " I giggled.

"Let's get you to your med school, shall we?" He waved a hand at the chauffeur and we were off on our way.

"Look at these ugly clothes" I frowned as I crossed my arms across my chest and pouted.

"Look fine to me" he arched an eyebrow.

"You don't understand! I wanted sneakers!"

He chuckled and I was reminded how much I loved his voice.

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