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I felt terribly guilty about the whole thing with Jimin.

I wished I hadn't told him. It cost us our friendship and for what? It was one of the dumbest things I ever did.

I was also dreading the general Anatomy test we were supposed to take the next day so basically I was a guilty anxious mess as I looked through my bag.

"Hey," Taehyung entered the room and sat beside me on the edge of the bed, putting his arm around me and gently pulling me in to kiss my head "You look worried"

That's right I am not one able to hide my emotions so yeah.

"I've a test tomorrow" I said with my cheeks burning hot like furnaces as I remembered everything he had done to me.

"No. You don't. You're coming with me to Paris for three days"

I looked at him for a second and then laughed.

"No I'm not, I mean I want to. But I can't, this test is supposed to be important. I don't wanna take it but I can't be out there in Paris..."

"You can. Because you're my girlfriend. This is a weird word it should be like girl lover or something"

"Girl lover sounds weirder. But that's... ugh, What if I fail anatomy?"

"You won't, we'll be leaving in three hours"

"Wait but... what about my stuff? I didn't bring anything here with me, plus my documents and ..."

"Y/n, relax. Everything has been taken care of. Your stylist will be there and she'll arrange for everything. Taeseob already has your passport and everything. You just need to get on the plane, okay?"

I looked at him with some desperation. It was as if he had already decided everything and was just informing me. I felt a little overwhelmed and... trapped.

"I don't know..." I said as I put my bag to a side.

"Is something still bothering you?" He asked.

I shook my head as I kept looking at my hands.

"You- don't have to go if you don't want to." He said  "I just want you to come because I think you'll enjoy it there"

"Yeah, I know" I nodded and smiled up at him.

He smiled back and kissed my forehead. He got up and left the room while I went to take a shower.

I didn't know what was wrong with me but I couldn't stop crying.

Maybe it was because I had give a part of me to Taehyung.

Or because I had pretty much lost Jimin

Or because Jimin had unlocked a new fear for me

Or because Taehyung was about to throw me in a plane like the rest of his luggage and take me to a strange city on a strange continent.

I got out of the shower, changed into a dress that was already there in the wardrobe and picked a pair of sneakers.

As soon as I got out of the room, a maid took me towards the cars. Taehyung was already there, talking on his phone in Japanese.

"I'll need to visit Tokyo later too, right after Paris" he said after he hung up.

"You can drop me off in Seoul you know..."

"You're coming with me y/n"

I didn't feel good about the way he said it. I bit my lip and looked outside at the vast open fields, and my heart felt like it was sinking.

Why couldn't I just be happy like normal people? Why did I overthink everything? What was so bad about him wanting to take me on a trip with him? After all, that was what I had always wanted... to travel a lot with the love of my life... so why couldn't I just...

We reached the airport where I realised that we were getting on a private jet. I had never been on a plane before so I was absolutely fascinated. My eyes went wide as I looked at the huge plane right in front of us. It was so beautiful.

Taehyung held my hand as we entered and walked through a narrow passage into a lounge. It was almost the size of my parents living room and I had always considered that a huge one. Not as huge as Taehyung's one, but it was okay big.

Taehyung watched me with amusement as I looked around with wide eyes.

"What?" He laughed.

"This looks so much different than what I thought of private jets" I blurted out.

"What did you think they looked like?"

"Like you know this tiny aircraft with five seats... but like with booze and all"

"We have booze and all" he chuckled " And I've more than five people on the team so we need a bigger plane"

"This is so cool"

"You can look around" he said "This is my private space, that's the bedroom's door. There's a shower too"

"You've done all the arrangements for yourself huh?" I glared at him and he chuckled.

"I need the bed, I barely get any sleep"

"How can you sleep on a plane"

"You can do many things if you put your mind to it" he winked.

"Heh" I rolled my eyes and looked around.

"There's more space for my team. You can meet Sunhee, she's probably here already"

"I'll pass on that" I almost shivered as he seated himself.

"You need to put on a seatbelt before the take off"

"But I'm sitting near the window" I went towards a seat.

"Okay"he beamed "Don't forget about the bedroom here. Just saying"

"The thought of crashing to ground with a sausage in the wrong opening is disturbing to me"

He got up, undoing his seat belt and walked towards me.

I gulped.

He wedged a knee between my legs, making sure it touched me as he bent down and looked into my eyes.

He sure knew how to make me needy.

"I think I need to remind you more often about how being helpless in my hands, completely at my mercy feels like. See y/n, I still chose to go easy on you but you forget too soon" he said looking into my eyes and then at my lips with that signature smirk of his as his long fingers slowly traced my neck.

"Uh, sorry for the interruption, sir, you need to put on the seatbelt now, we're about to take off" A flight attendant peeped in and said.

"She's getting fired" Taehyung said as he sat back near me and did his seatbelt, leaving me with flashbacks of that night and a drumming heart.


Listen my sexy peanuts. I need a job because my contract is about to end. And I've exams coming up too. And basically my life is a mess that I need to sort out so updates might be slower than usual 🥹 pls be proud of me im tryin my best 🥹

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