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He remembered that April day when he first saw her.

"Hello everyone, I'm Han Mirae. My parents moved to Seoul from California, so I'll be studying here from now on. Nice to meet you " the most beautiful girl he had ever seen said with her eyes fixed on a Taehyung who was busy reading an article about the growing fiscal crisis on his iPad.

Everyone was talking about her, the new girl from states, the beauty, the queen. She had a class no one could match. Everyone admired her but he... he had fallen in love.

He remembered how he asked her out on lunch, to his favourite place. The owner was struggling with hospital bills of his daughter, but had too much self respect to accept charity. So Jimin wanted to help him by bringing as many friends as he could.

"Jimin, you said you were taking me to your favourite place, what is this?"

"I-it's my favourite place! The food here is so good..."

Han Mirae, the heartthrob of their school, his ultimate crush, who had just agreed to come with him for lunch looked at him with a disgusted face.

"Can't believe you'd actually think I'd drink out of plastic tumblers" she shook her head and her flawless hair flipped a little, making his teenage heart race.

She's so beautiful, he thought.

"Just try it! I promise you'll like it!!" He insisted.

"Jimin if you don't want to spend any money on this lunch that's fine, I can understand but please don't behave like a cheap stake"

It hurt him, the owner who was happily bringing them some drinks turned back with a sad face.

And then he was there on a class trip in a hut somewhere in the snow covered mountains.

"Jimin stop!" She laughed. Her smile was so perfect. He just wanted to make her happy so he kept rolling around in the snow and she laughed.

"And the rain deer couldn't get up so santa dragged him instead..."

She kept laughing. Her voice was so beautiful, she looked like a fairy on a cloud in that fur coat and cap. He got up and stared at her.

He thought he'd never be able to live without that smile of hers. He wanted her to like him and he'd do anything for her.

"Remember the auditions I told you about? I've been selected... I'm going to be an idol" he told her proudly as he walked towards her.

"You?" She said. Her cheeks were flushed burgundy like her lips.

"Yes, me. Park Jimin the heartthrob"

"Not with that tooth" she laughed "I'm just joking..."

He smiled.

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"What?" She asked him wide eyed in confusion.

"I like you..."

At that moment Taehyung came outside, bored and sulking as usual.

"Taehyung!" She smiled as soon as she saw him and ran towards him.

"Go away" the taller guy said as he walked out in the snow. He was definitely upset about something. She stepped out after him.

"Don't you dare follow me" he said without looking back.

"What's wrong with him?" She asked as she stopped in her tracks.

"I- I don't know... Mirae, I asked you something..."

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