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I had to go alone even after I begged Jimin so much to come with me. A small part of me was happy though because one small mistake with his disguise and his fans would come swarming around, probably trampling me over.

So I decided to go to Gawangjang market myself. I took a bus and listened to some music on the way. I got off the buss and walked towards the place.

God the smell of all this sizzling spicy food that I love so much had me overwhelmed right away. I walked towards a vendor selling spicy rice cakes and asked her for a plate. She set it up for me right away.

"I can't buy tteottboki with a black card!" I heard someone just as I was about to take the first bite. I ignored the voice and continued eating.

"I don't care if it's hygienic or not I want it. I want it come on. Send me some money please. I just got back and I'm so hungry! Well you better be here soon. I'm waiting. Please come soon. Bye".

Now I have this thing about me, I always share my food. It doesn't make sense to me if i'm eating and someone around me isn't so I always end up asking them, specially if they are my friends. So I held out the plate to the girl and asked shyly.

"You want some?"

The girl looked at me, then the plate with wide, surprised eyes and then she broke into a laugh.

"You're so cute" she said laughing but then got serious "But yes, I want to"

She walked towards me, asked the vendor lady to give her chopsticks and then she just dug right in as if she was an old friend.

"I'm Hana. What's your name?"she asked, her mouth full of the red sauce and cakes.


"So which grade are you?" 

"I- I just got admission in a medical school!" I told her outrageously.

"But you look so young?"

"Everyone says that." I pouted.

"Isn't that a good thing? I would love to look younger than I am"

"You are kind of young anyway"

"Yeah well. I'm a tiny bit older than my boyfriend. I look the same age as him, because he's so mature and all... but ya know. He's a cutie I love him"

"You seem to really like him"

"Well, he's like the absolute, complete definition of perfect so why wouldn't I love him"

"That's so cute"

"He'll be here soon so you can meet him. Don't fall for him though, I mean you would but like try not to"

"I- I have a boyfriend too..."

"Really? He must be as cute as you are, and nice too. I bet he's a cute goofball just like you"

He would shoot lasers out of his eyes if he could, I mentally rolled my eyes. But then again, his life is so stressful it's like a natural adaptation, i reminded myself.

"He's kinda mature too"

"Oh? Where did you two meet?"

"Um... uh... It was... destiny?"

"You don't wanna tell?" she waved a finger and asked, making that " i know wt you did nasty" face.

"How did you meet your boyfriend" I asked her.

"It wasa family thing" she sighed "See there was this guy who was like really rich, so my parents wanted me to marry him because he was so rich and successful. But I was like no, that guy is an asshole, he doesn't even acknowledges my presence, he's like a cold ice sculpture or something. He has way too many issues. And the guy's mother went like pfft this girl? Her father IS A MAYOR ONLY and owns like what, only a few hundred super markets so do you think I'm gonna let my super rich and super handsome and super successful son marry her? So I was like your son is a bitch anyway you keep him, of course I didn't say it out loud. So my family went like okay he has this cousin and you can marry him.  So I went on a blind date and when I met him oh my God man was this boy handsome and smart. He was like the ultimate dream guy kinda clumsy but so gorgeous I  could eat him. I love him so much" she squealed.

"That's romantic"

"You live around here.?" she asked.

"No, it's a little far from here" I told her about the place

"I haven't lived much of my life in Korea so I don't know where it is. But it must be a good neighbourhood"

"It's actually really poor. But I can't afford a better place"

"What's that got to do with good or bad?" she asked with a serious face.


"do they sell tteotboki there?" 


"well, it's a good neigbourhood then."

"Hana?" you heard a masculine voice and the girl's face instantly lit up. She looked back and  left her plate, running into the arms of the man behind them. He was really tall and handsome, and had a charismatic personality.

"Joonie!!" she yelled.

"You are running all over the town, making me so worried" he said as he pushed back her hair.

"I love you too baby. Meet my friend y/n" she held my hand and brought me forward.

"y/n?" he asked,

"hi" I replied, looking down at my feet.

"Don't tell me, 'the y/n?'" he asked again.

What on earth is 'the y/n'?

"huh?" I looked up, confused.

"Nahh, I don't think so" he said as he took a better look "but nice to meet you"


"You ready to go? Mom has prepared a whole banquet for you?" he asked, turning back to her.

"y/n let me eat her food. I'm almost full. But I wanna grab something for later..."

"Mom told me to bring you straight to her, she has called me like five times already"

"Well, then I am coming." she turned to y/n "Give me your number, I'll see you again I hope"

We exchanged numbers and she waved at me before holding Namjoon's hand and walking away. I looked at them and smiled. What an adorable couple, I thought. I stood there for sometime and ate another plate. Then I went around and ate more junk food until I could barely walk so I  started back to home.

I had walked only a few steps when a black van came to a halt in my front.

"Miss y/n?" A blond guy emerged and asked me.

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