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Taehyung knocked on the door of the library and entered to find his mother looking fondly at her original first editions of Charlotte Brontë books

"I have to talk to you" he said.

"I'm busy" she replied.

"Hopefully less busier than usual"

"I would rather not have you barging into the library every time your girl doll's life or position in the society is threatened"

"They must seem quite trivial matters to you"

"They are indeed"

"I don't want to marry Han Mirae"

"I know, although I don't see why, other than one small reason that is, I hired an amateur last time..."


"Don't raise your voice Taehyung, this is a sacred place to me. You think it's unfair to be not able to love someone because you are too important but so does a man who isn't returned his love because he's not important enough. Life is unfair, to everyone. Even us"

"She is from a good family"

"She's alive because you threatened me you'd leave this empire. Now, my dear son, if you have any plans of bringing her here then let me make this very clear, that will not happen. You knew from a very early age what your role in life was. And I definitely do not recall ever telling you that it was running around in meadows holding the hand of a girl you love"

"I know my role and I will not let you down"

"When your father married me, he was so in love with this village girl. He still married me. Five years later he fell in love with someone from Italy, then England... Russia, I've lost the count and order of his lovers. Every time it was shorter than the other and he too, felt it was true love every time. Just like you do now"

"This is not like his relationships"

"Of course it's not. You're so different than your father because you take pills for that hereditary depression while he let it kill him. Dear son, you are everything he was... although I must admit that spine definitely comes from my genes. He could've never asked his mother to let him marry that village girl"

"Then maybe I inherited your persistence too,"

"That is from both side. Persistently staying in an unhappy marriage just for the sake of what we loved the most. You and KBE for him. My status for me. And now you're going to throw away the one thing he loved other than you"

"Not unless you make me"

"I never decided the rules, Taehyung. And your girl looks pretty when she's smiling. You know she'll never be happy here. Let her go to a small, bald man with a beer belly who'll give her five children and make lame jokes at the dinner table. That's the life she was meant for. You, my son, are meant to rule the world with Mirae. And one day, you'll be grateful for letting her go because you won't see her unhappy and miserable here, wasting away behind the high walls of this prison called Palace"

Taehyung took a moment to think about that. His mother wasn't entirely wrong. He knew y/n wouldn't be happy there, she'd suffocate like a bird trapped in a dark well.

And if he, the only true Heir to KBE left here, many from the lower ranks would hunt him down just to get his shares too. Then y/n would be left alone at the mercy of his mother's wrath. Not to mention KBE would crumble without it's core, with everyone wanting to start their own empire and majority of them failing miserably.

But...if he let her go... and she did find her small round man... then, what would happen to him? She could be happy anywhere... maybe she'd fall for Jimin and his fangirls would let her live... but what about him? He would wake up everyday next to a woman he hated. Or in a cold, empty bed... going through day after day feeling nothing at all?

"Maybe now you know what they mean when they say only one Kim is happy in the marriage. In our marriage, your father was more miserable. In your marriage, who's more miserable will be decided by you. If you marry Mirae, you'll be the unhappy one because she lives for the fame and money. If you marry your village mouse, you'll be the happy one but someone has to be miserable so who'd it be?" She smiled, her cold eyes glinted sadistically and she left the place with her heels clicking, leaving Taehyung with a very clear but cruel answer.

Taehyung stood there thinking back to the day he broke it off with her on text. He could have done it back then... he almost did. He almost let go of her... he had the strength to do it. Now, it was too late. Now, she had gotten under his skin.

And whatever he decided to do about it, was going to hurt.

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