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This life was going to kill me.

I had no clue know how to handle med school and a love life together. And not just any love life, the one with Kim Taehyung.

"You want to be with him" Jimin rolled his eyes as I started venting to him again while he was in his old lady attire at a cafe with me.

"It's the travel part! One day I'm blissfully preparing for a test in Seoul when I'm thrown into his private jet and I land in Tokyo. Before I can process that my ass is being dragged to Graz. I'm not even done unpacking when I'm on a flight to Melbourne and then I'm begging him to send me home" I rolled my eyes as I copied my classmate's lab work onto my own notebook.

"Well, that you'd have to suffer with me too"

"Who said I was going to travel anywhere with you?" I frowned as I looked up at him and saw his grey wig and pearly glasses instead of half his face.

"I mean it's not that bad"

"I can never get used to this, I'm done. He kept insisting all past week that I move to Harvard Medical School. Like, what am I going to do there? I'm unfamiliar with the culture and there's no you, no Seokjin, no Minho. No Minho's friends I can annoy..."

"Yeah but that'll make his plan of keeping you as a mistress work out perfectly"

"Not you starting that mistress stuff again" I tried to sound as confident as I could.

But he pointed at the LED screen behind me.

"Yes that's right we've just received news of an important proposal between KBE and Mr. Han the presidential candidate for upcoming elections. This is correct, Mr. Kim Taehyung, heir of KBE will tie the office knot of engagement with Miss Han Mirae, Candidate Han's only daughter in the upcoming weeks. This engagement is greatly going to benefit Mr. Han's election campaign and also, will be very beneficial to KBE, seeing how their stocks have already started skyrocketing. It is further to be noted..."

The news kept showing images of Taehyung meeting with a middle aged man, the woman I had seen in Paris, another older woman that looked just a bit like Taehyung. I felt like my limbs were growing numb.

"You okay?" Jimin straightened up in his seat as he saw my face change.

I didn't reply.

"Y/n, babe, what's wrong?" He stood up.

"L-leave me alone " I mumbled.

"Y/n, I never meant..."

"Leave me alone!" I almost cried and started stuffing my bag with my things. He stood there with obvious concern but I didn't care.

I had had enough of drama, enough humiliation at the hands of this Kim Taehyung. From being dressed like a barbie doll to being dragged around the globe like a suitcase, I had had enough share of misery in this relationship.

"I'll take you home..."

"What home?" I almost screamed.

"Dammit y/n, I told you this would fucking happen!"

"I'm leaving"

"I'm coming with you" he said.

"No you are not" I said with a firm resolve as I texted Minho to come pick me up. He had already called, asking my whereabouts in a message.

"You can't stop me" Jimin said desperately.

"Oh yes I can" I said as I first grabbed at his loose gown and tore it off him, revealing his designer outfit and before he could process what was going on, I grabbed his wig and pearly shades too, throwing them to a side and busting his disguise.

"Ladies, Park Jimin at your service " I announced to the cafe and girls started screaming and running towards him without wasting a second.

I picked up my stuff and headed towards the exit. Minho's dorm was near the cafe so he picked me up before Jimin could get rid of his fangirls.

Minho didn't ask me anything, but I could feel that he was tense, and kept mumbling something like "I'll break his bones"

He took me to his dorm, and made me a bowl of soup from a packet. It didn't taste that bad.

His friends gathered around too and tried to engage me in conversation but I was too down for that. I asked Minho if I could go rest.

When I was in my bedroom I checked my phone and saw multiple missed calls from Taehyung. There were text messages too.

Just then, he called me again.

"What do you want?" I snapped as I picked up the call.

"Y/n" I heard his voice say.

My eyes teared up as I remembered how much I loved that voice. How much I was attached to him. How I couldn't live without that voice... how I HAD to live without that voice.

"Is that true? Are you really going to marry her?"

"Nothing is final right now"

"But you will, eventually, right?"

"I don't love her y/n, I don't even like her..."


"SHE DRUGGED ME THAT NIGHT!" He screamed back.


"She fucking drugged me, and I had to take this bullshit from Jimin and now you. The only thing wrong I did was to go with her to that place because I wanted Jimin to see how- Anyway, I need to talk to you. Where are you, send me your location and I'll get you picked up"

"I don't want to... be with you right now"

"Y/n, don't be childish, that's not how things get worked out. Send me your location and we'll talk"

"I don't want to talk. I'm done here. You're marrying another girl. Tae... do you even get what that means?"

"It means nothing! It's just what my family wants! I don't want it!"

"But you're going to do that anyway, won't you?"

"Y/n, we'll talk in person and I'll explain everything to you"



"No... No. I'm not going back to you"

"I'm coming to get you. We'll talk and you'll feel better after that" he said in a calm voice but I hung up the phone.

I knew I didn't have to send him my location, he was just asking out of courtesy. He could get anything he wanted in the world and my location was no big deal either.

"I need to leave" I told Minho.


"Our Grandparents' home in the country" I said out of nowhere.

"But why? Are you scared of him? Did he threaten you?" He asked in an angry voice as his hands curled into fists.

"No... just... I want to get away from things for a bit..." I said.

"But where's your stuff? Do you even have a toothbrush or something?"

"We'll get it on the way..."

He nodded and picked up the keys.

Leaving everything behind was the only solution I could see. Nothing else.

Jimin warned me so many times, right from the start of this relationship but I didn't listen. I let myself get carried away, believing that I had found my perfect fairytale.

I forgot that only the princess can get the prince in all those fairytales and I was no princess.


Fam, we're near!

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