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Okay so i know everybody thought i was dead fr this time but hear me out!

I had some really bad past few months, i don't have a job, i'm trying really hard to get one but it's bonkers out there like honestly the minute y'all step out from your parents home i know we all can't wait for that day but third month into it and you'd want to go back like i understand now why people choose their mums basement at least you get free food 😫 and then two months not logging in I forgot the password 😭😭😭 you know the details from my ig😭😭

So, that being said i've realised that no matter how hard i try im going to stay broke anyway and them prices gonna keep rising like 1 kg onions and not even the organic ones cost 1.99 euros so imma just starve instead Kbye.

1st person pOV:

And then they lived happily ever after.

What a load of bullshit.

When I entered the house Taehyung had bought for us, I realised with a pang of self-disgust that he knew this was going to happen.

He always knew the only place I could get in his life was that of a side chick and that's why he bought this home. To "keep" me here while his legal wife lived at the Kim palace or whatever.

I wouldn't have dreamed of stepping a foot in here but I had some notes left there that I really needed. I was completely done with their rich people bullshit, even Jimin was sus to me at this point. I wanted an out. But not without those notes.

I was praying not to come across him but as luck would have it, he was standing just in the study room, holding a coffee mug and looking at a blue coloured file.

I stopped in my tracks and studied his tall figure clad in a white shirt and black dress pants, with sleeves rolled up.

His straight sharp nose.

His beautiful dark eyes...

His sharp jawline...

He was a dream...

A dream that belonged to someone else.

I started tiptoeing backwards, hoping to sneak in some other time.

"You can come in" I heard his deep voice say and I clenched my eyes shut.

Okay then.

I cleared my throat a bit loudly.

"I'm here for my notes"

With his forearm he gestured me towards the bedroom which was usually littered with my books and the cleaning lady would then sort them out and put them on the shelves.

They were probably on a shelf somewhere in there and I just had to go and grab them.

But why did it seem so difficult?

I gulped as I started towards the bedroom. I looked back before entering and saw him busy with the file.

I hurriedly entered and started rummaging through the books.

"Where the fook did I put them?" I muttered in frustration.

And then I heard his footsteps.

They came nearer and nearer until I could feel his presence behind me.

"Y/n..." he muttered hoarsely.

I closed my eyes.

He put his hands on my waist and there it was. I started melting again as his seductive scent took over my senses.

I hated how much I loved him.

I hated how much I needed him.

I hated being so weak for someone...

"Y/n...." His lips landed on my neck, slow kisses turning my legs to jelly.

"Please...." was all I could say.

I wish I didn't feel the way I did in his arms.

One of his hands moved further up, slowly resting on my chest. He started caressing me as if he knew exactly what that would do to my body.

I clenched my thighs.

The need was driving me crazy but no way he was going to hear it from me.

"I have missed you so..."

"I'm here for my notes good sir, now if you don't mind...." I walked out of his embrace towards the shelf again but before I knew it he turned me around and pulled me into himself.

His lips came crashing onto mine and I gasped as his hands cupped my backside possessively and pushed me into his growing hardness.

I felt as if I was drugged, as if nothing mattered anymore. I just wanted him to touch me the way he always did. To put me through the sweet torture again. To use me like only he could.

"Please..." I sobbed, begging myself more than him to not give in.

To not fall into this sweet sweet trap.

To just... keep it together. And just like that... I started crying as I fell to the ground.

"Y/n... what... what happened?" He asked as he went to his knees too, right in front of me.

"Please..." I let out everything I had held inside for so long. I was ashamed of myself for breaking so in front of him but I couldn't stop.

"Don't cry. Oh my dear one, don't..." he wiped away my tears and kissed my lips over and over again.

"I- I can't do this... I can't be a mistress... I love you... but I can't be a mistress..."

"You won't be my love, you won't be..." he said as he picked me up in his arms and took me to the bed.

"I.... I...."

"You'll have a warm soup first, French onion, your favourite, right? And then you'll take a good nap, like the good little girl you are. And then, we'll talk okay?"

"Don't tell me what to do..."

He patted my head gently and kissed my forehead, promising things that I didn't dare dream with his touch.

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