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The Hotel Taehyung had booked for us was some royal-vintage type building. His suite had a perfect view of The Eiffel tower. But I had such a bad jet lag he practically carried me in his arms and when he had to leave for his meetings, a nurse was called to look after me.

Eventually I had to be medicated and Sunhee thought it was a perfect chance to torture me in the name of fashion and hygiene. She grabbed me and saw to it that every extra hair I had grown over the weekend got waxed.

"We're going to attend a few fashion shows, KBE Fashion and Travel is collaborating with a few giant luxury brands, and we need to attend their shows. Isn't that exciting??"


"You won't understand. You lack passion in life. Poor soul"

"I have passion okay? I'm going to graduate med school"

"If you were so passionate about it, you wouldn't be here with Taehyung you'd be at home studying"

"True" I said dejectedly.

The next day Taehyung was busy so I had to go around with Taeseob, Sunhee and Monty who had become my Travel guide for the day. We had to attend a fashion show in the evening and Sunhee needed some inspiration.

I felt like shit because of so many things, so I could barely concentrate on anything. They chatted and had fun while I tried hard to fit into their group. Sunhee was a lot of fun when she was out of her professional attire.

Until they served us Escargot in the restaurant where we had decided to dine for the lunch.

I suppressed a scream but did run out of there and Monty came to drag me in again only to get a stark refusal. My tastebuds hadn't evolved past spicy rice cakes and Samyang.

I stood outside, looking around and feeling stupid when I saw a weird hipster sitting some yards away chugging a large mug of beer.

I took quick and aggressive steps towards him.

"Bonjour traitor" I stood in front of him with both hands on my hips.

"I thought I told you not to talk to me" he replied in a bored voice as he looked away and scratched his ugly wig.

Park Jimin and his disguises, I sighed.

"Look, I... I just don't have more friends I'm sorry okay?"

"Forget it, we're done" he said as he stood up and walked away.

"I apologised, if you don't accept it, you're that goat from courage the cowardly dog!!" I yelled after him.

Sunhee came out and I got food from a bakery. I had to admit that I didn't have the fine tastebuds required to appreciate the French cuisine.

When we got back Sunhee forced me into a lot of weird skin procedures, and some smelly treatments to my hair which turned out to be a dye because when they dried they were pastel purple.

I almost cried but seeing how they looked gorgeous, I calmed down. But then I did cry a little when she said she'd cut them above my shoulders.

She sat there holding her head about to yell at someone and fire them while I sobbed. Frustrated with me, she called Taehyung who told her to let me be. Finally she had to settle for a short wig, for which she gelled and smoothed my actual hair until they were just my extra scalp.

My dress for the evening looked like a tight turtleneck dress made out of a trash bag. It was too tight for me.

Sunhee complained about how that ass wasn't meant to go with that waist and I just stayed zoned out so I would be better able to tolerate it. Next thing she made me wear high heel-boots that were made out of the same trash bag material and reached up to my thighs, just two inches below the dress.

"I look like an escort to an old rich dude" I said after I checked my reflection in the mirror, with short pastel purple straight hair, smokey eyes that matched the tight trashbag dress.

"This is your clutch, you may get swarmed by paparazzis. The guards will cover you but you need to hold this to your face" She handed me a glittery clutch.

The fashion show was more like a circus. I was unable to keep a straight face like the rest of the audience and that made Taehyung laugh too. The dresses were way to funny and the walk was even more weird to me. I kept giggling and comparing the dresses to other thing and finally He had to put a hand on my thigh and squeeze it to make me shut up.

But I did shut up when Jimin showed up too as a model. He was wearing a blue and white suit but instead of pants, he had weird denim shorts  with painted donuts on. And he looked breathtakingly handsome.

"I need some air" I told Taehyung and went outside to an area relatively free of reporters and other people.

But someone was there already.

It was a tall Asian woman, dressed in an elegant cream evening gown, the upper part and a sleeve of the dress was completely covered with silver beads and the light diamond jewellery made her look ethereal.

"Oh- I'm sorry I thought this place was... wasn't taken..." I said in English, feeling intimidated. God, she was beautiful. The kind of beautiful that makes you go speechless.

"I didn't know you had something against taken things" she replied in Korean in a calm, elegant tone.


She looked me up and down and smirked.

I tugged at my dress, feeling weirdly insecure. She looked like a princess... a wife material and I- I looked like an escort wrapped in a trash bag. Bitter tears stung at my eyes as I looked down.

She moved away from the bannister towards and then past me. As I looked back, Jimin was a few yards behind me, staring at her. She put a hand on his chest and whispered something in his ear. She smiled seductively at him and then left.

Jimin stood there as if he had seen a ghost. All colour had drained from his face and he was staring in blank space.

"Jimin you..."

Before I could complete the sentence, he fell to the ground and passed out.

If you haven't figured it out yet, they said lady is Han Mirae from that previous chapter

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