Illnesses Both Physical and Mental

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Moxxie had often wondered what his parents would say if they found out he was leading an assassination company with access to the living world. Then again, knowing them, they would tell him to kill his boss and instead focus on a more suitable set of targets in their mind. If it wasn't for the fact that there was a small part of Moxxie, the size of a peanut, that actually had some care for his mother and father, then he wouldn't mind putting a bullet in their skulls instead. Pushing aside his thoughts of kinslaying aside, Moxxie glanced over at the other employees that were temporarily under his command since their actual boss was still unable to work.

It had been a surprise to Moxxie when Loona suggested that he take over while her father was still recovering from his ordeal. The hellhound didn't want to admit it, but she had no leadership skills and wasn't much of a people person. There was a reason why most of her friends were just a bunch of strangers she knew online and not in public, save for a few like Octavia. And Millie, much as Moxxie loved her, was more of a killer than a boss, so it fell on him to take charge.

Currently, Loona was reading on her phone, as always, while Grimbeak was sharpening his set of knives as they prepared for their next hit. The owl demon had been a welcome addition to the team for his professionalism and skill set. Now that they had a more experienced assassin on the team, they could handle more challenging jobs that they wouldn't normally do, which increased their reputation by a lot these past few months. Of course, the Goetia Demon was only on loan from Prince Stolas until Blitzo returned, and Moxxie would still rather have his boss around if he had the choice.

Life at I.M.P. just hadn't been the same. It was funny. If you were to ask Moxxie a year ago if he would rather have a peaceful and non-stressful environment instead of the chaotic and headache-giving one he usually dealt with, he would say "fuck yes" in a heartbeat. Now without Blitzo, things were just...boring. It was dull, unexcited, and nothing zany happened. Sure, Blitzo often caused messes and got them into trouble with stupid shenanigans, but they were memorable and sometimes brought the team closer together as a family. Without him around, it almost felt more like nothing happened.

"Millie still in the bathroom?" Loona asked, looking up from her phone. She turned her gaze towards the company restroom, where the sound of hurling could be heard, making Loona wince. "Seriously, she's been like this for days. Did you cook that tripe shit again?"

"No, but I've been trying to convince her to see a doctor for the past few days," Moxxie stated as he shook his head. His wife could be so stubborn when it came to her health. "But you know how Millie is when it comes to the doctor. It took all three of us to drag her over to the clinic just to get her that required shot last time."

The bathroom door slammed open as Millie walked out while wiping her hands with a paper towel before tossing it in a waste bin nearby. With a smile, she stated, "All better! Let's go!"

"Millie, I think maybe you should sit this one out," Moxxie said, walking over to his wife while rubbing the back of his head. "I mean, you're clearly not feeling well and-"

"Mox, I'm fine. Just a bit queasy from some bad food. That's all," Millie chuckled, but the twitching of her tail made it clear she was lying. "Now, let's go kill some Neo-Communists!"

Moxxie opened his mouth to continue arguing, but he sighed and decided to save it for after the job. They needed to end this terrorist group today if they were going to make it in time for the deadline. Nodding to Loona, she got up and opened the portal to the living world where the three assassins rushed in and appeared on the other side in Moscow, Russia. It was still early morning, around 3AM in this area of the human world, so the cover of night was with them.

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