Familial Memories

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AN: Hey guys, here is another chapter. I don't have much else to say. Enjoy. As a reminder, this entire series was planned before Episode 2 of Season 1. So everyone has a different backstory then canon.

***Sixteen Years Ago***

ACDS-131524240905 didn't know if his appearance of looking nervous was authentic or if it was part of his excellent acting due to the lessons taught by his big sister, ACDI-080118120525. Reminding himself that he couldn't call himself by his real name at the moment, "Moxxie" leaned back against the car seat in the taxi that would be taking him to his new school, The Sirenis Musical Academy for Gifted Students. A school founded for usually the upper-class and high-middle-class children of Hell. However, it also opened its doors to the lower classes if they proved they had the talent. Only recently, in the past few years, did they allow Imps to become students as part of an effort to "bridge together the broken bonds between Imps and the other races of Hell."

Moxxie snorted. Lies. Just a publicity stunt. Nobody cares about Imps.

However, it was a perfect target for the I.R.A., and going through their charity efforts was the best way. Since Moxxie had the best talent in music thanks to his hobby of playing guitar, he had been chosen despite his designed role being that of a sniper.

The mission was long-term but straightforward. Mother and Father wanted to see how many children went to this school and how important they were before conducting any action against it. Chances are it would be a few assassinations, hacking of accounts, blowing up buildings, or kidnappings for ransom before killing the kids anyway. It was what they had done in the past, so why would it be any different? Moxxie supposed it was a bit sad that the children would suffer for their parent's sins, but his parents made it clear that to change things in Hell, they had to attack the next generation. They had lived long enough to see that every generation of new demons always results in the same thing: Imps being pushed around and treated like slaves without having the decency to be treated like living beings.

And Mother and Father were always right.


The car soon stopped, and Moxxie looked outside his window to see the school in all of its glory. It was more like a university despite it being for anyone between ten and eighteen years of age. The campus had four main areas with multiple buildings designed for the various musical talents you were keen on honing. Not all of it was based on instruments. Music came in numerous skills, such as singing, conducting, writing lyrics and notes, musical history and theory, and even sound mixing was becoming a thing. Even Magic had musical spells that could be used with some musicians and singers able to go on to become mystically powered bards. It didn't matter your type of music: Classical, Theater, Rock and Roll, Jazz, Blues, Rap, Pop, R&B, Folk, or more. So long as it had a tune, it counted.

Many different demons were seen walking around the front of the campus, all of various ages, but the surprising thing to Moxxie was how they interacted. Usually, demons of different types avoided each other and preferred their own kind. Not here, as it was evident before Moxxie's eyes.

He could see Goetia demons walking with Hellhounds and Sinners with Fiends. A Succubus was singing her heart out next to a Shark Demon playing guitar to a crowd, while a Kitsune dressed as Mozart was practicing his conducting out in public on the grass without anyone paying attention to him or seeing him as weird.

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