Hospital Visit Part 1

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Loona had to admit. Teleportation was a lot easier than driving in your own car or taking the bus. She wondered why more powerful demons didn't just use this to get around more often. Then again, there were probably just as many sickos who would use it for things like peeping into women's bathhouses and shit like that. Stepping outside the portal, the hellhound looked up to see the familiar large and fancy St. Judas General Hospital.

"Honey, can't we just put this off?" Millie asked as she came out of the portal, followed by Octavia and Moxxie. "We're here to see, Blitz. That's more important than checking up on little old me."

"Millie, you threw up again," Moxxie pointed out. "And it was blue and acidic at the same time. It melted through the entire front door of the palace."

"Bet Reginald is going to be pissed when he sees that," Loona said with a grin. She was still hoping to see some kind of extreme emotion from the stoic butler other than a sigh and roll of the eyes.

"Nah," Octavia replied, shaking his head. "Things like that don't really bother him that much. You have to do something really stupid to get you angry. Like the time I tried smoking when I was fifteen." She shivered like death itself had passed right through her. "I can still remember his glare telling me if he caught me with one of those 'death sticks' before I was eighteen, he was going to spank me so hard my feathers would fall out."

The three I.M.P. employees couldn't help but chuckle upon hearing that. Moxxie then turned to his wife and hugged her. "Come on, Millie. Blitz wouldn't want his favorite knife-wielding psychopath to get sick on the job and do something that would ruin our reputation, right? He'd probably try to be a doctor himself if he had to."

"Yeah, no," Millie replied, deadpan. "I'll see a quack from Coney Island Hospital before I let Blitz do any medical aid on me."

"Are you sure it's okay for me to come with you guys?" Octavia asked for the tenth time, which made Loona roll her eyes. "I mean, this is more of a family thing and all. Since my dad couldn't make it because of an emergency meeting at Parliament, I can always-"

"Octavia," Loona said as she turned to the owl princess. "Relax. You're fine. So quit worrying and just come in already."

Sighing, the owl demon nodded and slowly followed the group, but Loona kept an eye on her best friend. For some reason, ever since they arrived at the palace, she had been avoiding their gaze and looked like she had something heavy on her shoulders. Even her steps were slow and purposely done to keep herself separated from the group.

Loona had known Octavia for quite a while now and knew the princess could sometimes be so sensitive. The owl would often bury her emotions inside when something bothered her and said nothing, but she couldn't hide the physical ticks she gave that one could catch. Is she still blaming herself for what happened with Dad? Fuck's sake. I thought we were past this. Although, in some ways, I kinda act the same. Guess that's why we get along so well.

Loona could remember the first time she actually met Octavia Goetia. It had been the prince's idea upon learning that Blitzo had a daughter of his own and thought it would be nice if the four of them had a "father and daughter's" day out together. Of course, he had to bribe Blitzo at the time to get him to come along, and Loona only agreed because someone else was paying for the whole thing. She actually expected Octavia to be some snot-nosed brat who had no brains and no personality besides wanting to wear the best clothing and looking popular.

Instead, she found what was probably her best friend. The two had so much in common in fashion, music, and personality that it was like looking into a mirror. Plus, having to live with a dorky dad made them able to understand each other perfectly. Octavia also showed Loona just how hard it was living in the upper class of Hell with expectations, constant fights between your unloving parents, and pretty much having your whole life planned out for you without any choice.

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