The Spirit Healer

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When Stolas had told everyone that a Spirit Healer had agreed to accept the prince's request for someone to heal Blitzo, the said imp had to make sure he wasn't hallucinating again. Sure enough, it turned out to be accurate, and that meant that something that none of them have had in a long time: hope. Hope that someone could help Blitzo not just with the effects of the Nightmare Parasite but also the demons deep inside of him that he knew he would have to confront sooner or later. Blitzo wouldn't lie and say he wasn't nervous. Honestly, he was terrified.

Blitzo had been told to fear, hate, and distrust angels all his life because of what they had done to demonkind. It was not just the Exterminations (although they did play a part) but the denial of all the resources, wealth, and happiness that those in Heaven were given because they chose not to follow the teachings of some powerful old being. Sure this guy created the entire universe and everything inside of it but did that mean always playing by his rules? And sure, demons may have started the whole war...and continued it by trying to damn every human on Earth...and were always causing chaos and destruction in their wake.

I was going somewhere with this, wasn't I? Blitzo thought as he looked outside of the limo carrying him and Stolas back to the prince's palace. It was clear that no other treatments would work at St. Judas, so Stolas decided it would be best to take Blitzo home to recover. Not to mention whatever power the Spirit Healer was going to do on the imp would require the use of angelic powers, which would get sensed faster than a burned turkey dinner at a Thanksgiving family get-together. Stolas assured Blitzo he had plenty of ways to hide such powers from the outside borders of his home, and he was going to have to trust him on this.

Honestly, I'm trusting Stolas with a lot. His life is pretty much in my hands now, Blitzo thought as he gazed over at his...lover? Boyfriend? Just friend? He honestly didn't know what their relationship was. It was clear that the Goetia demon loved him, and Blitzo cared about Stolas. But do I love him?

He had never loved any other demon in his entire life after Zella died. Even now, he longed for her despite her being gone forever. Could he ever give Stolas that same love he once gave his wife? It would be wrong to just use him like Blitzo had done to his past lovers before, especially after all Stolas had done for him and his family.

"We're here, Blitzy," Stolas said, interrupting him of his thoughts. The limo came to a stop and parked right outside the large double doors of Stolas's home before the car door was opened by an owl attendant.

Stolas helped Blitzo out of the car before handing him his crutches. Despite his wounds mostly healing, his body was still sore, and not every part of his body was fully healed. Thus he was required to use crutches for a few days. The really annoying part was that he had an eyepatch on his damaged eye that made him feel silly, but Stolas assured him he looked sexy with it. Hobbling his way up to the door, some local imp attendants opened it, who smiled and bowed to the two as they entered the room.

Reginald was already there waiting for them in his usual black butler outfit while his white and grey wings were perfectly aligned as always. Bowing before the two, he greeted them with a small smile. "Welcome back, Master Stolas. You as well, Master Blitz. I believe this is also the first time you've entered through the front door rather than one of the windows. The cleaners will be glad they don't need to wipe mud near the windows this time."

"Eh, what can I say? I like to make an entrance," Blitzo said with a shrug before raising his eyebrow. "So, since I'm going to be living here now, do I get to order you around? Like asking for a bubble bath, foot massage, a big screen tv in front of me with some hot sexy maids with french accents fanning me and serving me grapes like I'm a Roman senator? 'Cause if so, I'll take that along with monkeys having a knife fight with each other for my amusement."

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