Enacting The Ritual

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AN: Not much to say. Enjoy


In the Hazbin Hotel, late at night, five figures sat on their chairs while glaring at each other in total concentration. Each of them was analyzed by the other to see who showed a glimmer of weakness. A single brand of sweat or twitch of the mouth could expose the hidden play they had behind their hands. It was the final match between the five of them. The one that would win all the marbles in this dance of duels and deadly plays. Finally, Husk, who decided to act first, slammed his cards on the table. "Full House!"

"Straight!" Angel Dust cried out.

"Flush!" Charlie yelled.

"Four of a kind!" Vaggie screamed.

"Straight Flush!" Nifty cheered, which made everyone moan and lean back as she took her prize: an entire mountain worth of chocolate chip and oatmeal cookies. Giggling triumphantly, she flicked one of the cookies into her mouth and moaned. "Mmmm, so good. These are even better than my own."

"Come on, Niffty," Angel Dust whimpered as he made his best puppy eyes impression while using his four arms to make prayer motions. "Just let me have one! Please?! Sharing is caring! And sharing will help you get to Heaven sooner since it's a good deed, right?"

"Hmmm, nope!" Niffty cried out before taking all the cookies and running out of the game room faster than anyone could react. "I'm going to get some milk and eat these in my room! Night!"

"Little one-eyed selfish bitch," Husk grumbled as he folded his arms and snorted. "Last time we let Vaggie deal. I swear she's got worse luck than a pair of snake eyes."

"Hey, don't blame your bad losing streak on me, catboy," Vaggie growled as she pointed at the disinterested winged cat. "You were the one who suggested the last round be all or nothing. Now none of us have Stella's cookies."

"Yeah, you still need to work on your gambling addicts, Husk," Charlie pointed out with a nervous smile.

"And yet you let us play poker for the past two hours," Husk pointed out with a deadpan expression.

"Not with money! I thought cookies would be a good substitute!" Charlie cheerfully defended herself.

Angel raised an eyebrow. "Charlie, those were Stella's cookies. Those things are worth more than fricken gold."

"...Yeah, I can't defend myself on that one," Charlie moaned as she lowered her head in defeat. "I swear that might be the closest taste to Heaven itself."

"And those gates are closed to us. Again," Husk grumbled.

A slight cough made them turn to the entrance, where their eyes lit up, and their frowns turned upside down as Stella walked in with a fresh plate of cookies. Smiling, she walked over and placed them on the card table. "I figured this would happen, so I made a second batch. Help yourselves."

Nobody resisted their appetites as they dived in and took as many gooey and warm sweets as possible before stuffing their faces with them. They moaned in delight at the godlike taste as Stella chuckled and took one for herself before biting it. It was still a surprise to Stella that she had a natural talent for cooking. The former princess only did so out of boredom occasionally whenever she was bored at the palace. When she moved into the Hazbin Hotel, she found that they didn't have a chef and didn't know anything about taking care of a kitchen. Having seen the servants do it so well all her life, it was like second nature to Stella, who found herself not disliking it as much as she thought.

When she offered to cook in her second week at the hotel, everyone assumed it would be as bad as their own cooking, which often required Poison Control to visit at least three times a week. This was especially true when it came to Alastor cooking (whenever he wanted to do it) since his means of taste were even as sinister as his soul. The first time everyone tasted Stella's cooking? They had nearly fainted from how pure and good it was and kept demanding more with each new dish.

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