Artificial Combat Designed Sniper Part 1

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AN: Hey y'all! I got a new chapter for you all! And good news, I plan on making part 2 after this since the two are so close together and all that. So I'm going to put the other main ones on hold until I get part 2 done.

*WARNING: This chapter contains Child Solider training, brainwashing, torture, and death.*

(Years ago)


Moxxie knew that trying to start fresh from a life of being a terrorist wasn't going to be easy. What little he knew of being "normal" was taken from him just as he started getting used to it. As such, there weren't a lot of jobs that Moxxie could apply himself for due to his "unique" set of skills. He had tried to use his musical talents, but the few gigs he could get didn't pay much. It also didn't help that not many people liked the soft and romantic stuff he played. Plus, not many clubs, save for those in Imp City, were willing to let an Imp get a gig in their place.

So Moxxie returned to the one thing he was made to do: kill.

He started as a gun for hire. Doing mercenary work, bodyguarding, and the occasional hit job or two. It was decent money, and he made sure that the people he was hired to kill deserved it. He didn't want to point his barrel towards an innocent person again. He had enough nightmares as it was that a bottle of booze could barely cure.

H.I.S.S. offered him a large share of the I.R.A.'s money after helping with their disbandment, but Moxxie wanted nothing to do with his old life. As far as Moxxie was concerned, that part of him died a long time ago, and he didn't want to risk it coming back. Besides, even if they forced him to take the money, Moxxie would have given it to charities to spite his parents.

It honestly was making Moxxie baffled on what to do now that his revenge was complete. The Imp Revolution Army was no more with his parents behind Hell's most secure prison; his siblings were all dead, and most of the forces were either rounded up, eliminated, or in hiding. It left him with nothing since his adoptive parents (his real parents) were dead because of them, along with the academy and the friends he had there.

If it wasn't for the fact he knew that his true parents wanted him to live, Moxxie would have just shot himself in the head and been done with it. It wasn't like he was a real Imp, anyway. Just an abomination that was built for one thing: to kill.

So when he saw this advertisement for "I.M.P," Moxxie decided to try it out. It was an assassination company that was looking for a ranged killer, and since he was designed to be the best sniper possible, Moxxie decided to go for it. A steady job would be better than just getting random jobs at random times.

"Congrats! You're hired!"

Moxxie couldn't help but blink upon hearing this. "Um, sorry?"

"I said you're hired. You start tomorrow," Blitzo, the boss of the establishment, said as he put his legs on the desk and sipped some coffee.

"But..." Moxxie looked at his resume, cover letter, recommendations, and more. He spent two hours preparing it and only sat down for ten minutes. "I haven't even given you my resume or gone over my experiences."

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