Where We Go From Here

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Gadreel had to admit that it was nice to finally work on something without worrying about Heaven looking for him. While he was still weary about trusting Cain, he was at least sure that Heaven wouldn't find him while staying in his place. After all, if the most wanted man in Heaven and Hell could remain undetected like this despite their efforts to find him, then Gadreel would be fine. Provided he didn't do anything to piss Cain off.

He also had to admire the facilities that were granted to him for his help in Operation Nephilim. A project that, if successful, would be revolutionary in ways nobody imagined. He was working with the only mortal human in this little hidden cabal of Cain's: Doctor Spencer. She was typing on a tablet while checking out one of the many glowing tube capsules containing human bodies floating in a sea of blue liquid. The bodies were slowly decomposing and reforming, with the nanomachines interacting with the very molecules of the bodies. They acted as little constructors who followed their programming to ideally modify and reconstruct the body into a new form. This made the skin change to a metallic white while slowly growing similar angelic-looking wings. There were over thirty of these, fifteen on each end of the room they were currently in. All while access to the most advanced computers money could buy on the black market or from secret private channels only the richest could afford.

Checking the latest batch, Gadreel took notes on his tablet while watching the arms of a human in his capsule slowly dissipate as the nanomachines broke them down and started reconstructing them to make them stronger, faster, and more robust. This was a genius way to try and recraft the human body into a perfected means of advanced physical prowess. Combined with angelic and demonic technology and some magic, this would start a grand army the likes never seen on Earth.

The only upsetting part was that Gadreel was not the original designer of this idea. He wished we were, but this was Cain and Dr. Spencer's brainchild. He was helping them along. Usually, he would hate doing someone else's project, but that was a small price for protection.

"You're getting blood on the floor again," Dr. Spencer pointed out without looking at Gadreel's direction.

"Yeah? When can you convince God to end my curse? I'll stop," Gadreel said as he rubbed his eyes and face with his handkerchief—one that he magically blessed always to stay clean. Considering how his eyes never stopped bleeding, it was a necessary item.

"Does it ever stop?" Dr. Spencer asked.

"So long as there is some kind of war going on? No," Gadreel admitted. "Even small local conflicts count so long as they are fought as if they were in war. Every death in every war is my punishment to bear for teaching humanity warfare."

"So I guess we have you to thank for humanity fighting itself pointlessly," Dr. Spencer snorted.

"Hey, I might have taught humanity all how to fight, but you are the ones who uses it for your own stupid purposes," Gadreel growled as he turned to the human. "I still don't understand why you are doing this. What do you gain from helping Cain? You know that God is real. He is your creator. Why stand against him?"

"Because I believe in Cain's vision for Earth. A world ruled by no gods or demons or angels. Only mankind. What has the so-called "Divine" being and his angels done for the world but only let it rot in misery while humanity wastes time praying to him out of fear of displeasing him. Limiting our potential within and denying us the right to become gods through our own means," Dr. Spencer answered as she turned around to glare at Gadreel. "Heaven and Hell drag us into their issues, and we're forced to suffer because of it. If such a thing were to be removed? Mankind would enter a golden age."

Gadreel couldn't help but snort and turn away while shaking his head. He's known humans like this before in history. The ones who think they can throw off the spiritual needs for science. Hasn't worked out before and never has. Personally, he didn't give a damn about who ruled the Earth. All he wanted was to survive.

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