Interesting Meetings

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AN:  Not a long chapter, but considering how big and massive the last two have been emotionally, I felt we could use a break for that as we get into the next major part. And as a reminder, despite what is being done in the current episodes of the series, I am not changing my backstories or planned outcomes for any of my fics. It's just easier that way.

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Metatron rarely ever had lunch with his fellow higher-up angels. That was more for tea or dinner. He always preferred to have his favorite meal in peace and quiet. Still, if it was for something important, he would be willing to meet with them, and when the head Angel of Death, Azrael, calls for a meeting? Well, one couldn't keep him waiting.

In fact, Metatron couldn't remember the last time they ever had a solo conversation together, but it was sometime before the whole Flooding of the Yellow River incident in 1938. That was a busy time for the reapers since nobody saw the unseen disaster coming, and they were all taken by surprise. Sometimes nature just worked on its own without any divine intervention and often led to messy results. I think he was also in a stressful mood because his wife was having another child. Seriously, he's got like thirty-nine kids, and his wife wants more. How many can you have until you're satisfied? I think some people take the be fruitful and multiple parts of the Bible a little too seriously.

Still, the Voice of God wasn't surprised that Azrael wanted to speak to him. He had been one of the more vocal speakers against Stolas's request, even with the benefits of having him as a double agent for them. It was only after Blitzo gave them the last of the Fallen Watchers names that he finally subsided, but he wasn't happy about it. Then again, it was hard to tell with the way the Angel of Death clothed himself. For all the misconceptions that humans often made about the divine, their concept of the reapers was pretty nearly accurate.

Azrael himself was dressed in cloaked black armor that was like living shadow made flesh. It warped and twisted around him like a veil of eternal darkness while the more substantial parts of his armor were of pure gold and boney white. The chest piece was styled like an ancient Egyptian battle plate with Latin, Hebrew, and Arabic carvings. The shoulder pieces were golden skulls with sharp dragon-like fangs that extended to this back which held is his long black featherless wings that were more bat-like with holes in certain parts. His ribcage was actually styled to look like an actual skeleton's ribs for added horror effect that Metatron knew the head Angel of Death did to look more intimidating. He wore black battle robes with gold and onyx jewelry around his waist that dangled from his sides with dark crosses hanging from the edges for his lower pants. At the same time, his legs and hands were protected by golden armor that held the numbers or symbols meaning death in various cultures. Today, it seemed he went for the Japanese word "死神" meaning "Shinigami" or "Death God" for his arms while his legs held the roman "XIII" to symbolize the unlucky number and the number of the Death Card in Tarot.

Much like Metatron, he also had his face covered, but this time by a black stone mask shaped like a human skull with a head shawl wrapped around that showed only his black soulless eyes. He only ever pulled it down to eat some of the butterscotch crumpets that Metatron had on the tea table or sip the warm black tea he had made.

"So, is there a reason you wanted to have this meeting in Purgatory and not in Heaven?" Metatron asked, having decided to have their meeting in the same place he and Stolas always met. "Unless you don't wish others to overhear it."

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