Trip To Purgatory

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AN:Finally! I finished this chapter! Had to work really hard to get this right, especially since I was giving the angels different fonts then normal to show their divinity. If you find yourself confused by any of the different text that I've given the angels, and Stolas at the end, please let me know. I guess you can say this is an experiment to see just how well it can be done.

Edit: The font/text of angels is back to being normal


Notes at the end of the chapter. Be sure to read them.


When Stolas heard what had happened from Octavia, he immediately told Lucifer he had to leave for a family emergency and that his daughter was at the hospital. Not exactly a complete lie but not the whole truth either. He immediately portal into St. Judas General Hospital and practically tore the halls apart trying to find Blitzo until Octavia found him and guided him to the recovery room he was in. Stolas was prepared to see the worst, but no preparation could prepare him for what he saw. While the covers of Blitzo's bed prevented him from seeing how bad the damage was to the rest of his body, it paled in comparison to the face. Every part of Blitzo's skin was covered by bandages save for one of his eyes and his mouth. His horns were faded of color, which was considered a sign of massive blood loss for imps. His veins were pierced by multiple IVs that held various fluids, potions, and blood. It looked more like Blitzo was getting ready to be put in a coffin, all things considered.

Seeing his beloved imp in the terrible state broke Stolas's demonic heart and forced him to his knees in tears. He gently held onto his darling imp's hand as if he was touching the pedal of a dying flower. Any more force, and he was afraid it would just shatter into pieces. The sound of the heart monitor going up and down was the only sound that Stolas could hear. From what Octavia told him, that beloved heartbeat that he listened to many nights under the full moon in his bed had gone temporarily silent for half a minute.

It had made Stolas, a long-lived and powerful demon, feel genuine fear for the first time in years. For there was a moment in reality when Blitzo had died before coming back to life. It was a reality that Stolas never wanted to live in ever again. And it was all he needed to finally make the call he had both been anticipating and dreading at the same time. Thankfully, Metatron agreed to hear him out, and Stolas would meet with the Voice of God tomorrow in Purgatory.

"Dad, we need to go home," Octavia whispered to Stolas as he broke out of his thoughts and turned to his daughter. She was the only one left in the room with him while the others had left. Once it was assured that Blitzo would be okay, Moxxie and Millie both left with despair and guilt on their faces that made Stolas hesitant to congratulate the couple for their pregnancy. After all, it had been their news that had made Blitzo lose it for the lack of a better term and ended up in this state. He vowed to have a talk with them later after meeting Metatron. Loona also left not long after. Octavia offered to go with her, but the Hellhound wished to be alone, so Stolas sent her back to the mansion via a portal.

"I don't want to leave him," Stolas whispered as he shed a few tears. He wanted to be here when Blitzo woke up, but at the same time, he knew he needed to be his best mentally and emotionally for what he was going to ask from Metatron tomorrow.

If you were to ask Stolas who would win in a fight between the two, the Goetia Prince would easily say it was the angel. No doubt. Metatron might not have been the leader of the armies of Heaven like Micheal was, but that didn't mean he wasn't powerful. In many ways, he could be the most powerful angel in the Heavens. Even the Fallen Angels, who were still around since Lucifer's Rebellion, were quiet about just how deadly Metatron could be. Not just out of anger but out of fear. Only the top-tier demons in all of Hell could stand a match for him, and that was if he decided to fight at all.

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