Why I Stand By You

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AN: Yeah, this one ended up being faster then I thought. So here is the next chapter, and I know that normally I do Imp On Fire next, but there is going to be a bit of a detraction from that. I've been given permission from artist DaniDraws to do a fanfic with their character Spiroz.

For those of you who do not know, Spiroz is DaniDraws concept of a son between Blitzo and Stolas. I actually normally avoid M-Preg stuff, but I couldn't help but find this character adorable and before I knew it I had an idea for a fanfic. So yeah, I'm going to be giving my attention to that fanfic for awhile before I go back to my normal schedule. However, the fanfic is only a few chapter (No more then 6) so it will not be a long wait. Besides, I can use a break from my route and who doesn't love more Stolitz?

Anyway, as always, please help out at the TV Tropes Page for the series at: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/SavingBlitzo


"Okay, I admit. I wasn't expecting this," Metatron said as he stared at Stolas, who was still glowing with the runes on his entire body. He didn't dare move an inch until Metatron had said so or agreed to this deal. Rubbing the back of his head, the Voice of God sighed and shook his head. "You really are willing to swear an unbreakable and eternal vow to serve forever on our side? Your bloodline, your servants, and their families? Did you even-"

"I asked every single one of them. From my daughter to the janitors," Stolas answered firmly. "Every guard, spy, legionnaire, butler, maid, cook, tailor, gardener, and so on has agreed to allow me to do this. If even a single one of them said no, I wouldn't be doing this right now. But they all are willing to do it. My daughter is willing to risk it all."

"If Lucifer finds out, he'll do worse than kill you," Metatron warned as he crossed his arms. "I won't be able to save you from his wraith."

"I know," Stolas whispered, closing his eyes. "But it's a risk that I, and everyone else, is willing to take."

"All for this one single Imp? Why?" Metatron asked.

Why? There was only one reason why and it was the only one that was needed.

"Because I love him."

There was a long silence save for the surrounding universe around them. Metatron didn't move a muscle, nor did his eyes exhibit any emotion. After what seemed like an eternity, Metatron sighed and took out his own personal Aion. "I can't make this choice on my own. I need to make a few calls. So wait here."

Stolas merely nodded as he slowly got up and watched as Metatron walked towards one end of the room and disappeared without a trace. Sitting down, the prince slowly poured himself another cup of tea and began to wait.

Wait. And Pray.


Because of what happened yesterday, Moxxie felt it best that he and Millie didn't go to work for a few days. At least until Blitzo had awakened. Loona felt the same thing when Moxxie called her, but it was hard to hear the Hellhound due to how low her tone was. Moxxie swore he could listen to her silently sobbing behind the call and made a quick text to Octavia to have her watch over her. He may not have gotten along with Loona that well, but he felt it was part of his responsibility to look after her while his boss was healing.

Speaking of which, Moxxie decided to visit him to see how his condition was. Millie was still too frightened to come, and she decided to just stay home and talk to her family on the phone. He suggested she also look up some good baby names to distract her from her guilt. There was part of Moxxie, a small amount, that wanted to deck his boss for jumping off the building and nearly getting killed, but the Imp knew that it would do no good. Blitzo was already in a fragile state, physically and mentally, and much as Moxxie wanted to strangle him for his actions, he pushed those feelings down.

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