The New Kid On The Block

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A/N: okay so hey guys. This is the first part to my destiel fanfic. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE WITH A CAS ON TOP COMMENT. Do you guys want sabriel or no?

Castiels POV


I groaned and reached over slamming my fist down on the stupid machine. I sat up and rubbing eyes. Why the hell does school have to start so early?

"Morning Sunshine!" My brother Gabriel bursts in more smiley than usual.

"Why are you so happy?" I looked at him confused.

"I got a car!" He states and my eyes widen. Finally we won't have to walk to school.

"Are you ready for school?"

"Don't ask stupid questions." I said and got up walking to the bathroom pulling a comb through my hair. No matter how hard I try to make it look decent it still looks like sex hair. Whatever though since nobody pays attention anyway. I turn around and look at my recently added tattoo that goes all across my back. The tattoo I decided to get were wings for some reason. I just liked them. When I was done admiring the tattoo I pulled a shirt over my head. Then changed my plaid pajama pants into some black jeans. I pulled on some boots and put my trench coat on. I grabbed my iPod and put the plugs into my ears then pressed play. Led Zeppelin immediately started blaring into my brain and I smiled grabbing my bag then running down stairs.

After grabbing a pop tart I quickly said goodbye to the stupid dog that Gabriel insisted on getting. Of coarse our older sibling who watches us, Anna, couldn't say no because he always gets what he wants. I walked outside to the running car and jumped into the back since the front was already taken by Anna. She turned around and took one of the pop tarts taking a huge bite out of it quickly before I could object.

We arrive at school not long after and wait for the bell to ring. I look around and catch sight of a black 67' Impala. A tall ass kid gets out of the passenger seat and looks around. His hair is brown and long. He kind of looks like Jesus. This thought made me chuckle until another person got out of the car.

He looked around as well and caught eyes with me. Our gaze immediately locked and we stood for for God knows how long. Those green eyes like freshly watered grass after the morning dew. I couldn't stop staring. The bell rang breaking my thoughts and I immediately started walking to my class. What just happened?

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