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Castiels POV

I know I should listen to Dean if he says it's not safe but does the stupid blond in horror movies ever listen? No. So why should I? I drove to the airport as fast I could and got the first plane back to Lawrence.

When I got there I ran outside to get a cab back to the apartment Dean and I were staying in. There were police and firemen outside the building.

"No." I whispered and handed the cab driver money. I saw Sam and Gabriel standing outside the building too and I ran to them. "What happened?! Where's Dean?!" I tried walking past them but they held me back.

"He's not up there Cas. Somebody took him and set the building on fire. All we found in the apartment was this." Sam held out a flower and I took it. It wasn't just any flower. It's a message. It was a lotus flower.

"It's a lotus. It grows in murky waters, this is a message. Probably implying that Dean and I are a sin or something stupid like that. Who would do this?" I ask staring at the flower.

"I think you know exactly who Castiel." Gabe looked at me and tears came to my eyes.

"He took my father he will not take Dean too!" I March off to I have no clue where and try calling Dean.

"This is Dean Winchester if I don't answer it means I don't care. Leave a message that I will never listen too." I chuckle sadly at his stupid voicemail.

I got into my car and drove to the same ally that my unknown attacker lured me to.

I arrived and walked into an abandoned building.

"Hello?! Anybody home? Come out come out come out wherever you are!" I called.

Something brushed against my leg and I yelped and spun around. There was a small meow and I looked down at a black and white kitten...I think it was black and white because it was too dark to tell.

"Do you know where Dean is?" I asked. Great now I'm talking to kittens. The kitten me owed and ran a few meters then looked back at me tilting its head. I followed the kitten just to amuse it but it turns out it's a smart cat.

My eyes widened at what the small creature had led me too. When I asked it where Dean was it actually brought me to Dean. I ran over to where he lay on the ground and shook him violently then checking for a pulse. He's still alive thankfully so I drag him half the way and carry him the other half back to the car.

I pick up the phone and call Sam while racing to the hospital. I stop at a red light and look over at Dean. He has a black eye and there's a large cut across his forehead. He was beaten pretty bad.

Sams POV

My phone rang and I picked it up quickly.

"Dean?" I ask hoping its him.

"No it's Cas. I found him guys. Meet me at the hospital." He hangs up and I grab the keys but Gabe snatches them from me.

"Your in no condition to drive. You haven't slept in two days kiddo." I give a weak smile and follow him out the door.

Strange Affection (destiel/ Punk¡Cas Nerd¡Dean)Where stories live. Discover now