Accidental meetings.

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Deans POV

I repeatedly hit my head on the table as I listened to Castiel complain.

"Dean?! Are you even listening to me?!" I felt his glare on me and I stood up.

"No I'm not, because your upset about the the same damn thing every damn day! So excuse me if I have grown tired of hearing you complain about blah blah blah!" I ran my hands through my hair. I really had the urge to either pull my hair out or shoot somebody. I marched to our bedroom and grabbed my leather jacket. I went back out and Cas looked at me surprised.

"Dean where are you going? You can't just leave every time things get rough." He stands in my way but I step around him.

"I don't know...I just need some time to myself for a while." I mumble and slam the door behind me, walking to my baby. I get in and start her up. Cas is staring at me through the window like he always does.

After driving for a while I pull into a bar and take a deep breath. Just one drink. I tell myself. This is what I tell myself a lot lately. I had a plan. We were supposed to go out today and then I screwed it all up. I walked in and the bartender looked at me smiling. She was a beautiful blonde. She wore a black tank top and some jean shorts.

"Bad day?" She asks as I sit down and sigh. "I take that as a yes. What can I get you?"

"Something strong." I look up to meet her gaze and I notice how perfect she is. No. I love Cas.

She pours straight vodka into a shot glass and places it in front of me. "So, you and your boyfriend get in a fight?"

My eyes widen and she laughs.

"You guys are all people used to talk about in school. I'm Jo Harvelle." She holds out a hand for me to shake but I take it and kiss the top of it instead. Her cheeks become pink and I smile.

I spent more time at the bar than I meant to. I must have been there for hours. I wasn't drinking. Just talking to Jo and Jo talking to me. It was nice. I looked at my watch and got up.

"I have to go." I say and look at her.

"Come back soon." She touches my arm lightly and smiles.

I walk quickly outside to the impala and drive back home.

Cas' POV

I pace back and forth in the living room watching the clock. Dean has never been gone for this long. I tried calling five times but it went straight to voice mail. The door opened and Dean stepped in taking his jacket off and tossing it on the table. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him tightly.

"Where the hell have you been?" I say into his neck but when I breathe in its obvious. He smells like a bar. I pull away and look at him after he doesn't hug back. "I'm sorry." I whisper but he pulls away from me and walks to the bed room. I follow him and he gets out a suit case. "Dean, what are you doing?" I ask as my eyes start to water.

"Pack your bags. We're going on a trip."

(A/N: on our favorite rocket ship ZOOMING THROUGH THE SKY sorry...) bitch don't Interrupt my POV! There's only two chapters left! (A/N: Excuse you! I can kill you!) Fine!

I zoned out for a second and Dean was staring at me. "Sorry." I say and get out a bag to put some crap in. We throw our stuff in the car and start to drive somewhere but I don't bother asking.

----on the trip----

We got to a casino/hotel kind of thing and went in. It was really fancy, and when I say really fancy I mean fir for a king fancy.

"Dean, where did you get the money to stay here?" I ask awe struck as I looked around.

"Bobby and my father gave me a loan, something about I take you to nice places enough or whatever." He puts and arm around me and hands me a hotel key card.

We get to the room, no. Suite?

"Dean! You got a suite?" I exclaim dropping my bags and looking around the place.

He smiles and wraps his arms around my waist from behind me. I turn around and quickly peck him on the lips.

"I'll go get the bags from the car." He walks out and I sit on the couch not knowing what to do with myself.

Deans POV

I got into the elevator and pushed a button then glanced at the person beside me.

"Jo?! Did you follow me?" I back away a little and she shakes her head.

"Umm well, yes and no. You left your wallet and then I followed you." She looks at me and her cheeks turn pink of embarrassment.

"Thanks...except. That's not my wallet." I start laughing as she looks at the drivers license from the wallet and she laughs along.

"Stop laughing! I stole somebody's wallet!" She complains while giggling still but I laugh harder.

"That's not my fault." She turns to me and I stare back. She steps closer and I lean in. Just as I feel her breath against my lips the elevator doors open. I step away and start running to the car. What was that?

Strange Affection (destiel/ Punk¡Cas Nerd¡Dean)Where stories live. Discover now