Chin Up Kiddo

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Sams POV

I skipped school today because Gabriel is sick with a cold and nobody else is here to take care of him.

He coughed loudly and sniffles. I hand him a tissue and get up to get him some water.

"Sam...You don't have to be-" he coughs mid sentence and nearly falls off the sofa. I hand him the water and he gulps it down. "You don't have to be taking care of me like this." He says. I kiss his head and then his lips.

"I care about you and I'm doing it anyway." I say sitting next to him.

"Your gonna get sick." He says hoarsely.

"I don't care."

Castiels POV

I don't understand why Sam insisted on skipping school today but I know Dean just smiled and let him. Dean knows something but I don't know what. He refuses to tell me. He says stuff like 'its nothing' or 'don't worry about it'. I hate being left out of the loop but whatever it is I'm sure I'll find out soon.

I'm in third block when I get a text. I assume it's Gabe but ignore it because the teacher might lecture me.

I get out of class and look at my phone smiling but that smile quickly fades.

Unknown- Hello Castiel. It's been a while since we have seen each other. Meet me in the back ally. Don't bring anyone. I know about Dean so if you bring him I'll kill him on the spot.

Dean walked up and I quickly put my phone away and smile at him.

School comes to an end and I meet Dean outside "I'm gonna walk home today I have some things to take care of." He looks at me uncertain but kisses me softly and walks to the car.

I walk towards the ally the unknown person said to meet them in and when I get there I wait.

"Hello Castiel long time no see." A deep voice says behind me. I recognize that voice. I have heard it before, years ago.

"No..." I whisper and back against the wall trying to get away from him.

Sams POV

Gabriels head is in my lap and he's sleeping. I smile and stroke his hair until the front door opens and I quickly stop and move so that he is laying on a pillow.

"Hey Sammy." Dean whispers noticing that Gabe is sleeping.

"Hey Dean...where's Cas?" I ask looking around.

"He said he would walk home because he had some stuff to do." He tells me. That's weird. Cas always goes with Dean.

"Don't you find that weird?" I ask him and he just sighs. Our conversation is interrupted when Gabriel starts coughing like a mad man. He looks up and notices right away that Cas isn't here. "It's okay Gabe. He's just out doing some stuff."

"That's not like him. He doesn't like to be in public alone." He sits up and looks at Dean, "Go find him. Something is wrong." Dean automatically got up and went to the car. All I can hope is that he gets there in time.

Castiels POV

He moved towards me and I started to cry. "Please." I whimpered but he didn't stop. I tried to run but he pinned me to the wall and tied my hands together. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth. He kept most of his weight on me so that I couldn't move while he undid my pants.

"HEY!" Somebody yelled from the end of the ally and the tall guy pushed me to the floor and got out a gun. I spit out the gag and tried to undo the knot around my wrists.

"Get the hell away from him or I swear to god I will blow your head off quicker than you can say Assbutt." I recognize the voice. Dean! The guy ran and Dean put his gun up and ran over to me.

"Cas?" I could hear him but I didn't respond I just sat there and stared at him while he undid the knot. "Cas don't shut the world out talk to me." He whispered and cupped my face in his hands. I wanted to say so many things but it's like my lips forgot how to move. "Baby please, just say something. It's okay. I'm here now, I saved you. I'm gonna protect you I promise." All I did was nod but I knew that wasn't enough. He picked me up and it's weird he can actually do that without any struggle. He set me in the passenger seat and I leaned my head on the window. The drive was silent until we got home. He was about to get out and open the door for me but I quickly got up and ran inside.

"Cas?" Gabe and Sam both said at the same time but I ran past them and up stairs into my room. I went into the room and locked the door

Deans POV

Cas ran upstairs and I didn't bother following I knew he just wanted to be alone.

"Do you guys have anything alcoholic?" I said and slumped down in a chair.

"What happened to him."

"The guy is back. He's trying to hurt Cas again." Anna's eyes widened and Gabriel sat there shocked. Sam looked at me sadly and I looked back. "All of you stop looking like that. I can take care of him. I'm gonna protect him!" I don't know what caused me to go off like that but I just held my head in my hands.

"Dean it's okay. I think you should go check on him. Make sure he's okay." Gabriel looked at me and I got up and walked up stairs.

I tried to open the bathroom door but it was locked. I knocked but got no response.

"Cas?" I called and listened. There was no reply but I could hear him crying. "Castiel please let me in. I just need to know your okay, please." I was nearly about to kick the door down but it opened.

Gabriels POV

Sam slumped down on the sofa next to me. Anna went to bed and Sam was just staring at the tv. It was obvious he wasn't really watching it.

"What's wrong gigantor?" I asked and he looked at me sadly.

"I'm worried about the both of them. Dean has the weight of his the world on his shoulders right now." He says and his head droops.

"It's okay..Chin up kiddo." I said tilting his head up and kissing him gently. "Get some sleep." I say and pull him to our room.

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