Shake Rattle and Roll.

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A/N: okay before start I just want to say I'm gonna do a full out sex scene between Dean and Cas so I'm gonna ask that if you know me in real life don't read it then give me nasty looks. Plus I'm a little tipsy cause I took 5 gulps of straight vodka. So here we go! Again if you know me JUST DONT READ IT BUT IF YOU ABSOLUTLY WANT TO THEN BE MY GUEST JUST DONT FREAKING JUDGE ME bye AND I WILL TELL YOU WHEN ITS LVER OKAY.

Castiels POV

Its been three months since me and Dean graduated. Today's the day I'm going to college in a whole other state. Dean said it wouldn't matter because he would visit on holidays but I could tell it was eating him alive. Dean and I had an apartment together now and we were driving home in silence. I looked over at him and he looked pitiful. I sighed and he looked over at me.

"I'm gonna miss you." I said quietly.

"You are gonna have so much homework you won't have time." He laughed and I laughed along.

|SEX SCENE SKIP IT IF YOU MUST (Kerri and Hannah)|

We got home and I couldn't help it anymore. I slammed him into the wall and kissed him roughly. He kissed me back and I moved down to his jawline. He gripped the back of my shirt and pulled me closer. I glanced over at the clock.

"I have 4 hours till my flight." I groaned.

"I only need two." He smirked and removed my shirt. He took his own shirt off and pushed against him again pushing my lips to his neck and nipping at his sensitive skin. He moved his hands down my sides and I jumped into his arms rapping my legs around his waist. He kneeled down on the bed setting me down and started to undo my pants while kissing my neck. I gripped his hair and pulled his lips back to mine and our tongues danced together. He tasted like whiskey and beer. He pushed me backwards and was on top of me. He reached over the the night stand and pulled out some lube and put a generous amount on his fingers then slid one into me. I moaned loudly and smirked sliding another into me. He slid his fingers out and I whimpered.

"Hush Angel. Wouldn't want to disturb our neighbors." He whispered. He knows I hate it when he calls me Angel but I let it slip by for now.

He started to tease me by kissing my chest and he was moving slowly down. "Dean." I pleaded him to just get on with it but he kept taking his good old damn time.

"This is payback for all of your games." He says in a deep voice. I groaned and flipped us so that I was on top now.

"And this is payback for calling me angel." I growled and moved lower kissing the inner part of his thighs.

He moaned and I knew he would try to flip us again soon so I moved up again and pinned his hands to the mattress.

"Don't you dare try anything Dean Winchester or I will take twice as long." He whimpered and nodded and I all of a sudden loved having control. I grabbed the lube and rubbed it on myself. I then slid in slowly and he moaned with pain and pleasure. I pulled out and then pushed back in going faster each time. He moaned and then got this mischievous look in his eyes. He flipped us and pinned me down aggressively. I gripped his shoulders as he pushed into me and I moaned long and loud. He pulled out and changed positions. "Dean..." I whimpered and he hushed me. He came up and kissed my neck sucking and nipping then my lips. He rolled over beside me out of breath and I put an arm around his waist. I stayed like that until I had to go get my bags packed.


Deans POV

Stood at the entrance where Cas was and he came up to me with his tickets. I sighed. "I guess this is goodbye huh?"

"I hate saying goodbye. You will see me again so let's say...see you then." Cas said and kissed me lightly. People have us weird looks but I didn't care. I hugged him and then he pulled away. "I have to go. See you then." He hugged me tight then ran to catch his plane. I sighed and got back to the Imapla. When I got in I smiled and put my hands on wheel.

"Looks like it's just you and me baby." I say starting her up. I drive around not looking for anywhere to go more like something to do. I stop at a bar and remember what Cas said on the way to the air port.

"Dean promise me your not going to overdose on boos and fast food?" I laughed and nodded.

I smiled and remembered when Cas and I met in the halls. It seemed like forever ago. What am I going to do until Christmas break?

Strange Affection (destiel/ Punk¡Cas Nerd¡Dean)Where stories live. Discover now