Truth or Twister

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Gabriels POV

I wake up next to my wonderful moose and snuggle close to him. He groaned in his sleep and I wonder what he was dreaming about. He turned on his side and our noses were almost touching. I couldn't get up now because he tossed a leg over me too. His eyes fluttered open a few minutes later and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Gabe, what are you doing?" He mumbles and I just stare at him.

"Umm.....well were...hi." I is all I manage to say and he kisses my nose. I smiled then felt the bed shift as he got up and so did I. "Do we have to go anywhere today? I kind of just wanna stay in bed all day."

"I would be okay with that." Sam smiled and kissed me. "Although I invited Dean and Cas over for a movie and game night. Along with your sister." I growled and sat on the bed, folding my arms like a little kid.

"You stink! Why didn't you tell me?" I pouted and he sat down by me.

"Because I knew this is how you would a bitch." He puts and arm around me and I smirk.

"But I'm your bitch." I get up winking and then walking into the bathroom for a shower. I turn the water on and remove my shirt. I was about to remove my sweat pants but then a hand turns me around. Sam pushed me into the shower against the wall and my breath hitched as he slammed his lips against mine.

"Sam...I'm still wearing pants and now they're soaking wet. Jerk" I say pushing him away for a second. He pulls me against him and hooks his fingers in the waist line of my pants.

"That can be fixed Gabe." He growls in my ear as he kisses my neck.

Deans POV

I opened my eyes and all I could see was black hair. Cas was laying in my arms staring at the ceiling.

"Did you sleep?" I ask and he just shrugs. "Cas it's a yes or no question." I say firmly and he looks at me sadly.

"I can't...I'm afraid every time I close my eyes, I'm gonna wake up in that car again." Tears form in his eyes and I pull him closer to me. He buries his head in my shirt and sniffles a little.

"I'm so sorry...I'm so so sorry Cas. I'll never let it happen again. He won't lay a hand on you I promise." I say quietly and he gets up. He puts a shirt on and walks out the room and I follow.

"Sam invited us over for a movie or something." He mumbles and I nod.


Cas and I knocked on the door for the third time and it swung open. Cas and Gabe stood there smiling and I looked at them confused. Gabe and Sammys hair was a mess. It was obvious as to what they were doing before we got here.

"We're we interrupting something or..?" Gabe shakes his head at Cas' question and lets us in.

"When does Anna get here?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. She never really gave us a time."

"Oh...okay....where are the booz?" I look around and Cas glares at me.

We all talk about how things have been and play Xbox. There was popcorn cooking by the time Anna got here with her boyfriend. Cas was asleep on my shoulder as we watched Annabelle and I was getting bored. I moved my shoulder and Cas jolted awake breathing heavy.

"It's okay. Your here with us." I say in his ear so not to disturb the others and he nods slowly leaning back on me. When I was sure Cas was asleep I picked him up and put him in his old bed then left the room quietly.

I go back downstairs and turn the tv off mid-movie.

"Guys I'm bored lets do something fun." I glare at them and all of them get up. We get out the beers and other drinks. Sam gets the twister game and I tilt my head squinting at him. He shrugs and sets it on the table. A few hours later we are all drunk and embarrassing each other with crazy stories. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and I move my beer can to make it look like its Sam's.

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