Well Thats Embarrasing

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Castiels POV

I sat in the back of the class not paying attention to all the commotion about Dean Winchester. The thought of the name sends chills down my spine. Somebody walked in and everyone got quiet. I looked up to find Dean sitting right behind me. He smiled at me and I just turned around showing no emotion what so ever. When I snuck a glance at him he looked kind of hurt by my action. I don't mean to make him feel that way but I just learned that getting connected to people is stupid. They always leave.

Half way through class Dean started poking me. I tried to ignore him the best I could. His fingers moved up to where my tattoo was visible at my neck. I could feel him breathing down my back as he pulled the neck of my shirt down trying to see what it was. I pulled the front of my shirt so that it tightened and gave him no chance of pulling at it again. He made this pathetic 'aww' sound and I smiled a little as I shook my head side to side.

It didn't take long for him to start poking me again. He poked a certain spot in my lower back that just so happened to be sensitive and it caused to moan but I quickly covered my mouth and spun around to see if he noticed. I couldn't tell because he was hiding behind the text book. Only a few people in our area looked at me snickering but I gave her a death glare and they quickly turned back around. I grabbed the text book and pulled it away so I could see his face and it was obvious as to why he was hiding. His face was so red you would have sworn he was a tomato.

"Don't say a word about this to anyone!" I whispered.

"It's okay...I kinda liked it." He smirked and I turned around disgusted. Wait, he liked it? I turned around tilting my head to the side and giving a confused look. The tips of his ears became red and he looked down at his book.

I wrote my number down on a piece of paper and tossed it back at him. What the hell am I doing? I'm not gay! Well I'm bi but I have never actually dated a guy before. This is insane.


I got home and checked my phone then sighed because he didn't text me. As I was throwing a pity party my phone vibrated

D- Cas?
C- Hello Dean.
D-So that thing that happened in class today... That was embarrassing.
C-Tell me about it.
D-ha. What's you tattoo?
C-Angel wings.
D-Cool. Look I don't normally do this but...do you want to hang out some time?
C-Are you asking me on a date?
D-Umm, idk if I were would you say yes?
C-Idk ask me to find out.
D-Would you like to go on a date with me Castiel Novak?

C- I would love to.
D-I hate you.
C-Sure you do.

Strange Affection (destiel/ Punk¡Cas Nerd¡Dean)Where stories live. Discover now