His eyes

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A/N: Hey everybody!!! I can tell this book is gonna be great! I love it to death already and I believe it shall end happily...unless I become evil which is likely. Love you all and enjoy the chapter.

Deans POV

I stood there for a second then looked at Sam who had this stupid smirk on his face.

"The hell are you looking at bitch?" I glared at him through my nerd glasses which I had gotten a month ago just because contacts were getting annoying.

"Just you and pretty blue eyes over there making goo goo eyes at each other, jerk."

"I was looking at his sister, not him." I lied.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night dean." He laughed and began walking to his classes.

I was walking down the halls staring at the floor thinking about whatever came to mind when I slammed into something or someone. I looked up to find that blue eyed boy staring back at me.

"I'm so sorry! I'm such a dumb ass, and an asshat. I should have been watching where I was going." Wait a second did I just call myself an asshat?

"No no that's okay really I wasn't paying attention either." He said picking up his books from the floor. I bent over and helped him. We both reached for the same book and our hands bumped into each other. His cheeks started turning slightly pink. Aww he's blushing! That's so adorable. Wait, adorable? Eww no dean. Your not gay. I let him grab the book and he held out his hand.

"I'm Castiel..." He said in this really deep voice.

"Dean, or asshat which ever you prefer." I chuckled and so did he. That laugh is so adorable I could just listen to it all day. Stop it Dean your getting weird. I scolded myself. I don't know why I'm feeling so nervous around him. Maybe it's those blue eyes. That explains why the shy is so grey here. All of the blue is right there. In his eyes.

Strange Affection (destiel/ Punk¡Cas Nerd¡Dean)Where stories live. Discover now