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Nobody's POV

Castiel was excited about the date surprisingly Dean in the other hand had no idea what was happening.

Dean always knew he was different but his father made it very clear that being gay wasn't allowed.

Dean could still remember clear as day when John Winchester came home and found Dean kissing a guy. Dean thought he would get off easy when his father told the boy to leave calmly but as soon as boy got out the door a fist came in contact with his face. The beating didn't stop there. It only stopped when Dean had a broken nose and ribs. Sammy helped fix him up but Dean could never truly be fixed. He had always thought from that day on that he was a disappointment and he committed his whole life to making his father impressed. When he won races with the impala and when he made all A's. It never seemed to be enough.

Sam hated seeing his brother so depressed. It got to the point where Sam walked into deans room one day and found him with a blade in his hand and his wrists were bleeding. Dean had always put on a strong look but on the inside he was broken and shattered. He always had trouble with homework which led to Sam doing all his projects and work for him just so Dean wouldn't fall behind.

Dean isn't the only one who had it rough. Sam had gone through a lot too. A year ago his girlfriend Jess died in a car accident when the car caught fire. She was killed instantly. Sam swore he would never love anybody again.

John came home every night drunk and tired. Sometimes Sam could hear yelling and glass breaking. It always ended with Dean having injuries and Dad disappearing for days maybe weeks at a time. Life was rough for the winchesters. Sam couldn't help but think sometimes what if there were another world where Dean and Sam could be free of their problems. Maybe even be famous, but hey, dreams don't come true and life doesn't have any chick flick moments.

What the winchesters don't know is that this night will change all of that. Everything will take a turn for the better and maybe, just maybe, they will both get their happy ending.

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