Will he be alright?

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Sams POV

We got to the hospital and went to the room Cas said they put Dean in. I hated hospitals and Dean hated them even more. I walked in and Castiel looked like he had been crying. He gave a weak smile then stared blankly at Dean as if waiting so,etching to happen. Seeing Dean so beaten up made me sick. Even our father never beat him that bad. Gabe reached out and touched my arm but I just stood there.

"They said he might not wake up for a few days so...make your selves comfortable." Cas muttered and laid his head back against the wall. I sat in the nearest chair and stayed quiet thinking about who could have done this and why.


It's been a few days and there is still no change in Dean. I walked back into the room after going to the cafeteria with Gabe and Deans eyes were open while Cas sat there smiling and running his fingers through Deans hair.

"Cas would you knock it off. I'm fine. How long have I been in this hell hole?" Dean pushed Castiels hand away and I chuckled. Even after being beaten senseless he could be suck a jerk. "Hey bitch." He looked at me.

"Hey Jerk. How ya feelin?" I asked sitting down.

"I don't know how would you feel after being put through hell?" He asked and I smiled, that's the answer I expected.

"Dean, do you remember anything about who did it? Like, anything at all would be helpful." Cas said still in Deans face stroking his hair.

"Cas I told you, no. Now quit messing with my hair......angel. All I know is the guy knows all the right buttons to push."

Cas scowled at the nick name Dean gave him. They argue like an old married couple.

The smile was wiped off my face when Deans eyes closed and all I could hear was a flatline.


Sorry I can't update more I'm grounded. Sorry for the cliff hanger also. :)

Strange Affection (destiel/ Punk¡Cas Nerd¡Dean)Where stories live. Discover now