Take Care of Him

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Castiels POV

I paced my room till 3:00 in the morning waiting for my phone to go off. I picked it up and dialed the number hesitantly.

"Cas?" Dean came through on the the other line but he sounded different for some reason.

"Dean, are you okay?" I asked and there was a muffled voice on the other end that didn't belong to Dean.

"Yeah. I'm fine, what are you calling for? Sorry I couldn't call today. My phone was...lost." He still sounded unsure of what he was saying but I shrugged it off.

"Well I just needed to see that you weren't dying in a ditch somewhere. Oh, and I also might be able to get a flight home in a few days for a week." I finished.

"Cas no! You can't come home. It's not safe stay there and don't-" he was cut off when the call ended and my stomach was in knots. Something is seriously wrong.

Sams POV

I sat on the couch watching a movie with Gabe. I started laughing when Gabe started making weird noises like a five year old.

"Sammy I'm bored." He whined.

"Alright what do you want to do now?" I asked looking at the clock realizing it was 3:30. "Have you noticed anything different about today?" I asked seeing if I'm being paranoid.

"You haven't worried about homework or chores." He laughs and I look at him seriously. "Dean always stops by..." He trailed off and got up.

"Something wrong Gabe it's one thing to not stop by for Dean but he would at least call and-" I was cut off when the phone rang. "That's odd. It's Dean." I muttered and answered it.

"Hello?" I listened to the other line but nobody spoke. "Dean if this is one of your priceless pranks it's not very-"

"Sam, call Cas make sure he stays at college and make sure he gets the car washed every three weeks or it gets dirty and nasty and the impala doesn't look nice when it's not clean. Make sure that Castiel doesn't starve to death or drown in the lake. He forgets to eat sometimes and he's not the brightest crayon in the box. Wait don't say I said that. And tell him that I love him...I guess. That's what I'm supposed to say in an about die speech right?"

"Dean slow down. What's happening?" I say grabbing my keys ready to go and Gabe looks at me concerned.

"I don't know that's why I'm saying all this. I've been kidnapped...or adult napped. Teen napped? Abducted...not by dancing aliens of coarse that would be crazy. I think I'm about to be murdered."

"Dean, where are you??" I say starting to walk out the door motioning for Gabe to follow.

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