What happened to him?

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Deans POV

When Cas said not yet I didn't really understand. He was obviously just as ready as me but his voice broke as if he were remembering something. I left the room after getting my shirt off and found Sam and Gabriel in the kitchen. They seemed to be in the middle of an important conversation so I hid behind the corner and listened.

"So...about what happened earlier, are you...gay?" Gabe asked. Why would he ask Sam that? What happened earlier.

"Umm...I'm not sure. Don't tell Dean that we...you know." Sam answered. Don't tell me what?!

"Well, he's not here now so..." Gabe trailed off and they both were quiet. Since their conversation seemed to be over I looked around the corner quietly and what I saw shocked me. They were kissing?! No. Way. Sam hasn't kissed a girl or even hugged one since Jess died. Now I know why.

I backed up quietly and made my footsteps loud so it would sound like I had just got here. If they wanted to stay secret that's okay. Then I noticed something. Cas isn't here.

"Hey guys. Have you seen Cas?" I asked worried. Maybe he's mad at me.

"No what happened? You look worried." Gabe and Sam both looked at me concerned.

"He kind of...well we were, you know and then he got upset and left." I said blushing slightly.

"Oh no...I have to go find him." Gabe grabbed his car keys and started to leave. "Anna! Explain what's going on to Dean." He yelled as he walked out.

"Have a seat Dean." Anna got some coffee and set it in front of me. "When Castiel was 14 our father disappeared with him for weeks. We couldn't find them anywhere. One day he showed up at our door crying. There were marks on his wrists and ankles like he had been tied up for a while. Not long after we found out that...Castiel was raped. Not by our father. Dad would never hurt him. Cas was Dads favorite. He was bringing him to the zoo and they were both in a wreck. The man in the other vehicle ran into them on purpose and our father died. He took Cas."

I was furious that somebody hurt him. "So what happened to him today?"

"After that he shut all of us out. He stayed in his room most of the time. He started talking again two years ago and that's when he knew he was gay. Our mom shut him out and kicked him out. Gabriel and I left with him so he wouldn't be alone and. He still barely smiled. Until he saw you. I saw the way his face lit up and how happy you make him. Anyway, he just didn't want to be hurt I think. He's afraid to let people in. He doesn't think he can be loved Dean. He only has had us the past year. Show him he can be loved Dean. Gabriel never knows where to find him but I do. He's by the lake a mile from here. Go after him and show him." She looked at me and I didn't hesitate. I started running out the door.

I got through the woods and saw Cas standing my the lake throwing rocks. "Cas?" I called and he turned around.

There were tears in his eyes. "Go away Dean!" He said and I could hear the tightness in his throat. I didn't listen and I walked towards him. When I was next to him he sunk down in the grass and I sat next to him. The tears were streaming down his face now and I couldn't really believe it. He always seemed so tough. Like he didn't have any emotion. I pulled him to me and let him cry into my neck. I hushed him and told him how amazing he was.

"I love you Cas. I'm never going to hurt you and I'm always going to be here. Don't worry baby your okay. Your safe." I whispered and his crying seemed to slow down a little. He pulled away and rested his head on my chest sniffling. I kissed the top of his head and pulled away so that I could look at him. His eyes were red and puffy but I didn't care. I kissed his lips softly and moved to his nose then kissed his forehead. I kissed his jawline and then pulled him in and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Dean. I guess Anna told you." He said quietly.

"Yeah, why didn't you tell me?" I asked him concerned.

"I don't know. I just-I didn't want you to run. Some people would think I'm broken or weak." He said sadly.

"I would never judge you. I love you. It's crazy we just met and I already feel like we're connected." I say and rest my head on his. He tilts his head and kisses me. I part my lips and he slides his tongue in my mouth and we take a second just to taste each other and remember the moment. I pulled away and helped him up walking away from the woods.

We spent a while walking to his house talking about our crappy lives and how much we cared about each other until we got back. I opened the door for Cas and Gabe embraced him as soon as he walked in.

"You okay kid?" Gabriel pulled away and looked at him. Cas just smiled and looked at me. "Thanks for taking care of him Dean." Gabe looks at me great fully and I just shrug.

"No chick flick moments." I say walking up the stairs tiredly.

I get up to Cas and I's room and lay on the bed not even bothering to get changed. Cas lays next to me turning the lamp off and then turns to look at me. Some of the light from the sunset it shining through the window and the light shines through his hair. I smiled and pulled him close to me and he put his leg over mine and twines his fingers with mine.

"I love you Dean."

"I love you too Cas."

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